


Alex Taylor III 2012-10-17






????R.L. Polk北美預(yù)測(cè)領(lǐng)先分析師湯姆?利比表示,汽車業(yè)務(wù)的表現(xiàn)與經(jīng)濟(jì)越來(lái)越脫鉤。原因在于:“我們看到的美國(guó)汽車銷售勢(shì)頭,部分源于國(guó)際經(jīng)濟(jì)態(tài)勢(shì),部分源于在美經(jīng)營(yíng)的全球汽車制造商所采取的行動(dòng)。”





????但英國(guó)皇家國(guó)際事務(wù)研究所(Royal Institute of International Affairs)的一份最新報(bào)告認(rèn)為,石油耗盡的威脅已沒(méi)有那么緊迫,石油峰值理論看起來(lái)越來(lái)越不是那么回事。世界面對(duì)的不是有限的石油資源,只是需要加快速度將極其龐大的石油資源轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)榭捎糜陂_(kāi)采的探明儲(chǔ)量。(感謝The Truth About Cars網(wǎng)站告知這篇報(bào)告。)



????Your understanding of the world shifts in immeasurable ways when you learn that something you have always believed to be true isn't. For instance, I've lately discovered that wet heads don't cause colds, stretching before exercise is unnecessary, and changing your oil every 3,000 miles is an expensive waste of time.

????But this isn't a column about health care, personal finance, or car maintenance. Recently, we've gotten fresh analysis and new information that seriously undermine what has been considered the gospel truth in the auto business. Here are the auto world's four new misconceptions:

????Myth No. 1: When the U.S. economy catches a cold, Detroit gets pneumonia.

????For years, we've held that Detroit has led the U.S economy into recession. Car purchases are a near-perfect barometer of consumer confidence; they are expensive, and their purchase is usually deferrable. At the first sign of a business downturn, auto sales swoon.

????But not this time. Despite sluggish GDP growth, high unemployment, and the squeeze on the middle class, car and truck sales are rising. In September, they came close to an annual rate of 15 million, the fastest pace since early 2008. What's going on?

????Tom Libby, North American forecasting lead analyst for R.L. Polk, says the performance of the car business is becoming increasingly detached from the state of the economy. Reason: "The dynamics we see here in the U.S. stem in part from the patterns of international economies as well as from actions taken by global auto manufacturers who happen to be doing business in the states."

????As evidence, Libby points to the foreign automakers whose presence in the U.S. is growing and whose fortunes are improving because of factors unrelated to the economy: Toyota (TM) and Honda, which are recovering from last year's tsunami; a resurgent Volkswagen, focusing anew on the U.S market; and Hyundai/Kia, which, despite inventory shortages because of recent labor problems, has produced many months of double-digit sales gains.

????Concludes Libby: "While some local, North American trends play an influential role in the behavior of the U.S. new vehicle industry, there are other, broader global factors at work. A look at the worldwide strategies of the automakers and the patterns of the global economy frequently reveals the underlying causes for the results we witness here in the U.S."

????Myth No. 2: The world is running out of oil.

????For years, it has been assumed that oil is a finite resource that the world would soon exhaust. One prevalent theory was "peak oil." At some point, global oil production would hit a high point and then decline, causing grave shortfalls. Pessimistic predictions had that either the peak had already occurred or that it would occur shortly.

????In fact, a new report by The Royal Institute of International Affairs in the U.K., informally known as Chatham House, finds that the threat of oil running out is no longer imminent, and the concept of peak oil increasingly looks like a bad idea. The world is faced not with a finite amount of oil but merely needs to accelerate the speed at which surprisingly large resources of oil can be converted into proven reserves for potential production. (Thanks to the web site The Truth About Cars for alerting me to this report).

????The amazing fact is that because of higher prices and better technology, we keep finding more oil that we can extract. From 1980 to 2011, the report says, the world produced 100 billion more barrels of oil than there was supposed to be in the ground, and proven reserves remaining for future production more than doubled.

????Moreover, even with no further discoveries or additions, a 54-years supply of oil is left at current rates of consumption. In reality, the petroleum industry can expect an even longer life because more oil will be found in existing deposits, there will be new discoveries, and consumption will decline as prices rise.

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