


Jennifer Reingold 2012-10-31
麥睿博(Bob McDonald)

????寶潔公司(Procter & Gamble)首席執(zhí)行官(CEO)兼董事長(zhǎng)麥睿博經(jīng)歷了充滿挑戰(zhàn)的一年。寶潔公司目前的年?duì)I收總額已經(jīng)高達(dá)836億美元。作公司CEO麥睿博今年不得不三次降調(diào)指導(dǎo)性業(yè)績(jī)預(yù)期,導(dǎo)致分析師產(chǎn)生憂慮情緒,股價(jià)也連連下跌。10月25日,該公司公布的2013財(cái)年第一季度財(cái)報(bào)顯示,經(jīng)不計(jì)一次性費(fèi)用調(diào)整后每股盈利為1.06美元,超過(guò)了分析師預(yù)期(此前已經(jīng)下調(diào)過(guò))。

????麥睿博遭到了一些前公司員工及退休員工的批評(píng),這些人主要通過(guò)寶潔股票獲得收益。而在今年7月份,對(duì)沖基金公司珀欣廣場(chǎng)資產(chǎn)管理公司(Pershing Square Capital Management)創(chuàng)始人兼CEO、維權(quán)投資者威廉?阿克曼宣布,他已買入價(jià)值總計(jì)達(dá)18億美元的寶潔股票,表明他很快將會(huì)要求寶潔公司進(jìn)行重大改革(尤其是領(lǐng)導(dǎo)層的人員調(diào)整)。據(jù)報(bào)道,阿克曼在與麥睿博進(jìn)行的一次會(huì)晤期間,曾要求他辭職。





????我認(rèn)為沒(méi)有出乎我的意料之外。但我們復(fù)興計(jì)劃的三個(gè)部分都獲得了預(yù)期的成效。整個(gè)設(shè)想是把重點(diǎn)放在提高股東總回報(bào)水平上,以此讓我們重新回到同類企業(yè)排名的前三分之一之列。這個(gè)三部分計(jì)劃之一就是這個(gè)“40-20-10”計(jì)劃,即把重點(diǎn)放在我們40個(gè)規(guī)模最大的產(chǎn)品類別與國(guó)家組合上,其中主要是美國(guó)和中國(guó)。我們首先把資源集中投放到這些產(chǎn)品類別與國(guó)家組合上,然后投放到20個(gè)最重要的創(chuàng)新產(chǎn)品上。我們一直在舉辦我們稱之為“即興構(gòu)想會(huì)”(jam session)的活動(dòng)。在這個(gè)活動(dòng)中,我們會(huì)延請(qǐng)公司高層領(lǐng)導(dǎo)及各職能部門的專家,讓他們即興提出構(gòu)想。自從我們?nèi)蚊罓柡?梅斯基塔擔(dān)任公司新業(yè)務(wù)拓展與創(chuàng)新部門總裁以來(lái),我們這個(gè)活動(dòng)已經(jīng)進(jìn)行了有6到9個(gè)月左右的時(shí)間。然后就是把重點(diǎn)放在10個(gè)最重要的新興市場(chǎng)上。

????創(chuàng)新方面,(我們的盈利要求)我們特意進(jìn)行一些新的創(chuàng)新產(chǎn)品開(kāi)發(fā)商,然后把創(chuàng)新產(chǎn)品引入市場(chǎng)。比如,汰漬Pods(Tide Pods)就提高了汰漬系列洗衣粉的市場(chǎng)份額。




????Procter & Gamble CEO and Chairman Robert McDonald has had a challenging year. The CEO of the $83.6 billion company has had to lower guidance three times this year, worrying analysts and depressing the stock price. On October 25th, the company beat its (previously lowered) expectations for the first quarter of fiscal 2013, earning $1.06 per share excluding charges.

????McDonald has endured criticism from former employees and retirees, who receive their benefits primarily in P&G stock. And in July, activist investor William Ackman of Pershing Square Capital Management announced he had purchased $1.8 billion in P&G shares, suggesting that he would soon demand major changes. At a meeting between the two, Ackman reportedly asked for McDonald's resignation.

????Now McDonald has decided to speak out. In an exclusive interview with Fortune Senior Editor Jennifer Reingold, he proclaims confidence that the company's turnaround plan is gathering steam. What follows is an edited transcript.

So the numbers came in where people had hoped that they would...

????Our results for the first quarter were at the high end of our expectations on the top line and ahead of the plan on operating profit and cash. This puts us on track to meet our commitments for the fiscal year.

What surprised you about the results?

????I wouldn't say it was a surprise. But the three parts of our plan are working. The whole idea is a total shareholder return that gets us back into the top third of our corporate peer group. The three parts are this 40-20-10,plan, focusing on our 40 biggest category/country combinations, primarily in the US and in China. We focused the resources there first, then on the 20 biggest innovations. We've been having something we call jam sessions, where we bring in top leaders and functional experts and have them ideate. We've been doing this for 6-9 months, since about the time we put Jorge Mesquita in place [as President, New Business Creation and Innovation]. And then there are the 10 emerging markets that are critically important.

????On the innovation piece, [on our earnings call] we purposely went through a number of the new innovations that we brought to market. Tide Pods, for example, added to the Tide market share.

????The third piece was the productivity improvement. That was the piece that was confirmation to the analyst community and to investors that we could deliver savings that resulted in margin expansion. Our plan saves $2 billion a year, which would be 11 index points in EPS. If we capture half of that, it would be 5-6 points. That caused the core operating margin to improve by 90 basis points. We showed 150 basis points of productivity improvements. That may have been the piece that was reinforcing.

Have you named your new innovation czar?

????He'll be pleased to hear your characterization, but we haven't announced it yet. It's a group president who has done this before in a business unit. He has a lot of experience and will be working directly for me. The idea is to set up a council of senior group presidents in the company, all of whom are highly respected, who will work with me to reorganize the way we do work. We will reorganize the structure of the company if that's needed in order to improve.

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