


Joshua Cooper Ramo 2012-11-22

????今年9月的一個早晨,精力充沛的法國人、世貿(mào)組織(World Trade Organization)總干事帕斯卡爾?拉米站在一屋子經(jīng)濟學家面前,開始發(fā)表他對世界經(jīng)濟健康狀況的年度解讀?!敖衲旰腿ツ暌粯樱家越?jīng)濟劇烈震蕩為特征,”他開場就說?!敖?jīng)濟增長放緩、高失業(yè)率和新發(fā)布的貿(mào)易數(shù)據(jù)都讓人擔憂?!边@不是什么經(jīng)濟新癥狀。但最后一句話,提到令人擔憂的最新貿(mào)易數(shù)據(jù),還是讓很多人豎起了耳朵。




????? 過去20年的大部分時間里,中國經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展是受到對外開放和低廉的勞工成本推動。低廉的勞工成本使得中國成為了世界工廠。但未來10年,中國需要盡快修復失衡的內(nèi)部體系。正如中國官員去年在解釋中國新的五年計劃時所述:“全球化的黃金時代可能已經(jīng)過去?!?/p>

????One morning this past September, Pascal Lamy, the energetic Frenchman who heads the World Trade Organization, stood in front of a room of economists and began his annual recitation on the health of the world's economy. "This year, like last, has been marked by extraordinary economic turbulence," he began. "Sluggish economic growth rates, high unemployment, and newly released figures on world trade that are just as worrying." It was not an unfamiliar diagnosis. But that last bit, the mention of the worrying new trade data, caught a number of ears.

????For most of the past 20 years trade has raced ahead of global economic growth, usually at about double its pace. GDP grew by 3.5% in 2006, the last healthy, pre-crisis year, and trade at 8%. This was, it seemed, a golden ratchet binding the planet ever closer. But the most recent 24 months show something that looks an awful lot like a trade shock. It isn't just that trade is no longer doubling -- it's slowing. In some crucial areas trade growth has slipped below GDP growth -- and this year, globally we'll be below the 20-year average rate of trade growth yet again. Figures on investment in assets held overseas, probably the best indicator of enthusiasm for globalism, are drifting down toward 40%, from more than 50% in 2008. The move is serious enough that economists have begun to ask: Is globalization running backward?

????Given that the idea of a more interconnected world has been at the heart of our assumptions about our future, such figures are, as Lamy said, worrying. They echo in our politics as loudly as they do in our markets. People remember a world of protectionism, understand the consequences of no international cooperation, and nervously consider the icy historical proposition of 18th-century French economist Frédéric Bastiat: "When goods don't cross borders, armies will." Watching the country that in recent years has benefited most from an open world-trading order rebel against it is like hearing that people are looking for ways to opt out of gravity. But here it is: Two-thirds of Americans now believe more trade is bad for the country.

????What I want to do in the next few pages is start with those chilling trade numbers to tell a larger story, the story of a deep shift now under way: The rise of the inside. The past 20 years of globalization delivered a quantity of connectedness that produced a whole new quality of global life. At the end of the Cold War, the world released a big, tense breath and began stretching out. Our companies, our instincts, our vacations -- all led us to the farthest corners of the planet. Now, all around us, we see something different. We find everywhere signs of a world turning inward and of an era when the inside will define success and deliver growth -- for companies, for nations, even for your career -- in the way the outside once did. Consider:

????? For most of the past 20 years China's development was driven by opening to the outside and by low labor costs that made it the world's factory. But the next 10 years will be defined by fixing, urgently, its broken internal systems. As officials in Beijing noted last year when explaining their new five-year plan: "The golden age of globalization may come to a halt."

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