


Jack D. Hidary 2012-11-28




????我們的電網(wǎng)設計卻和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)完全不同。如果一條線路上發(fā)生了任何故障,這條線路上的所有用戶都會失去電力。史蒂芬·約翰遜在他的新書《將來完成時》(Future Perfect)中把這種網(wǎng)絡稱為“羅格朗星”(Legrand Star)網(wǎng)絡,僅次于法國的中央節(jié)點鐵路系統(tǒng)。事實證明,我們的電網(wǎng)比普通的中央節(jié)點網(wǎng)絡更容易發(fā)生故障。2003年,一次突然停電導致4,500萬美國人的家庭瞬間失去了電力供應。其實,在那次災難中,僅僅是因為俄亥俄州的一座電廠發(fā)生了事故,就導致整個美國東部停電。如果有黑客從多個節(jié)點攻擊我們的電力系統(tǒng),那么又會發(fā)生什么情況?



????Hurricane Sandy?revealed the vulnerability of our power and transportation systems. New York City, one of the world's major economic centers, was brought to its knees by a storm that we knew was coming. The NYSE and Nasdaq exchanges -- the lifeblood of world markets -- were closed, despite all their investment since 9/11 in backup systems. More than 8.1 million people lost power across ten states. More than one hundred people died in the US.

????How can we upgrade our cities so that they function during such adverse conditions? Where should we invest in infrastructure to get the best return? Answers may lie in the design of another crucial system: the Internet.

????The internet was built to be resilient -- it was engineered to keep functioning even if part of the network went down. The designers of ARPANET, the precursor of the modern internet, chose a distributed system with no central node for their network. They found ways to route information in multiple paths from origin to destination to avoid a single-point of-failure fault. This is one reason why the Web is so robust today, even when it is attacked by hackers or its physical elements by natural disasters, information can be re-routed around the fault to reach its recipients.

????Unlike the internet, our power grid is architected such that if any fault takes place along a line,?all customers on that line lose power. Steven Johnson calls these?"Legrand Star" networks?in his new book,?Future Perfect, after the?central-node railway system in France. It turns out that our power grid is even more fault-prone than a central-node network. In 2003, 45 million Americans lost power due to a sudden blackout. In that disaster, the entire Eastern half of the US lost power when just?one?utility plant in Ohio went offline. What would happen if hackers tried to take down the system at multiple points?

????And yet, we learned little from that catastrophe and did seemingly nothing about it. Our grid is the very definition of the fragile system that Nassim Taleb warns against in his new book,?Anti-fragile.Taleb urges us to redesign systems?to learn from failure points and get stronger.

????Our grid today is just as fragile as it was in the blackout of 2003 -- maybe even more so. The grid that serves lower Manhattan was the first utility network in the country, built by Thomas Edison in the 1890s. It's time to upgrade the infrastructure in NYC and across the US. Here are specific steps we can take to increase the reliability and resiliency of our electric grid:

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