


Jack D. Hidary 2012-11-28






????德州的普西迪小鎮(zhèn)就決定在它的電網(wǎng)中安裝電池系統(tǒng),因?yàn)樗碾娋W(wǎng)與德州電網(wǎng)只靠一根線路連接。一家由AEP公司和伯克夏爾-哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)旗下的中部美國(guó)能源(Mid-American Energy)出資建立的合資公司已經(jīng)為這個(gè)小鎮(zhèn)安裝了電池系統(tǒng)。




Distributed Electric Storage

????Our power system today cannot store the electricity it produces. Once electricity is generated at a plant, it must be used immediately or has to be grounded into the Earth. When it is not used and not grounded, high-capacity power lines heat up, sag and start faulting due to interaction with trees and other ground-based objects This is in part what caused the 2003 blackout. Since there is no storage of any scale in the utility grid, there is no buffer space when any kind of fault occurs and the system quickly shuts down in a domino effect.

????Imagine a computer network without hard drives -- a network where you had to use all data produced in real-time and could not store or retrieve any of it. That would be ludicrous, but it is the very system we have in our power grid.

????Storing the electricity we produce in the grid equivalent of hard drives was historically quite expensive and power authorities wanted to avoid any project that would raise customer rates. The good news is that electric storage is now getting cheaper and the first commercial storage units are being installed this year across the US.

????These batteries can pay for themselves in a few years by enabling buildings and homes to use cheaper, off-peak electricity. In case of a natural disaster, they also provide backup and line-conditioning to smooth out any spikes which can fry appliances and electronics. Battery storage gives us these benefits without the use of gasoline or diesel fuel.

????Presidio, Texas is a town that decided to install battery backup to its grid since it is tied to the rest of the Texas grid by only one line. A joint venture of AEP (AEP) and Berkshire Hathaway's Mid-American Energy (BRKA) installed the battery units.

Distributed Generation Systems

????One of the reasons the internet is so robust is that it has both large data centers in the cloud as well as distributed computing in every users' laptop or tablet. This combination allows any user to be productive no matter where they are and whether or not every network node is working or not. Amazon (AMZN), Goolge (GOOG) and Apple (AAPL) benefit from this robustness and can scale their businesses easily with both cloud-based services and local apps that users have on their own devices.

????While the power network has centralized generation in the form of large-scale power plants, it has limited ability to generate power at the edges where the users are. This creates more points of failure instead of a resilient system that can adapt to a sudden blow to one part of the network.

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