


Adam Lashinsky 2012-11-30

????就在消費(fèi)者們忙著在感恩節(jié)后的“網(wǎng)購星期一”(Cyber Monday)活動(dòng)中血拼時(shí),亞馬遜(Amazon)再次展現(xiàn)了它對(duì)資本的胃口。這家公司以超低利率發(fā)債,籌集了30億美元。債券分三檔,到期年限超過6.5年,亞馬遜支付的平均利率為1.6%。若將通脹因素考慮在內(nèi),這些貸款對(duì)于亞馬遜而言幾乎是零成本。這次出乎意料的債券融資是亞馬遜15年來的第一次,它將亞馬遜的現(xiàn)金儲(chǔ)備增加了一倍?!尽度A爾街日?qǐng)?bào)》(The Wall Street Journal)有更詳細(xì)的內(nèi)容報(bào)告,點(diǎn)擊這里閱讀?!?/p>



????顯然,亞馬遜會(huì)繼續(xù)大力投資Kindle,它將繼續(xù)成為蘋果(Apple)及其他谷歌(Google)安卓(Android)系統(tǒng)平板電腦的有力競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手。(Kindle Fire也使用安卓系統(tǒng)。)亞馬遜在加州庫比蒂諾的Kindle設(shè)計(jì)中心Lab126最近正在為200多個(gè)工作崗位招募人手。



????While online shoppers were gobbling up e-deals on Cyber Monday, Amazon once again demonstrated its appetite for capital. It raised $3 billion in debt at ultra-low interest rates. Spread across three tranches of bonds that mature over 6 ? years, Amazon will pay an average of 1.6%, which makes the loan nearly cost-free to Amazon, factoring in inflation. The unexpected debt-capital raise, Amazon's first in 15 years, double's Amazon's cash stockpile. (The Wall Street Journal?has a lot of the facts?here.)

????The swift move got me wondering what Amazon (AMZN) will do with the money. There are obvious starting points. Amazon recently cut a deal to buy its currently leased Seattle headquarters buildings for a bit more than $1 billion. It's an odd decision, but Amazon is an odd company. It is investing heavily in new warehouses, the better to offer speedier delivery to customers, particularly in locations where Amazon recently has begun collecting state sales taxes—something it probably should have been doing all along. In my recent?interview?with Amazon CEO?Jeff Bezos?he deflected the question of whether Amazon wants to offer same-day delivery, saying the company hasn't figured out how to make such a service economical. He said it's hard enough investing simply to push back in the day when Amazon cuts off taking new orders.

????Given its size and growth, it's also astounding that Amazon sells in just nine countries: the U.S., Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Counterintuitively, Bezos notes that Amazon is investing particularly aggressively at the moment in Spain and Italy. New regions are a natural place for Amazon to invest its cash.

????Amazon obviously continues to invest heavily in its Kindle line, which is showing itself to be a worthy competitor to Apple (AAPL) and tablets that use Google's (GOOG) Android operating system. (The Kindle Fire uses a version of Android too.) Amazon's Lab126—it's Kindle design center in Cupertino, Calif.—recently listed more than 200 open job positions.

????Then there are Amazon's many business lines, many of which compete against each other. To get a sense of the breadth of Amazon's disparate businesses. I made a list of the 25 brands Amazon links to at the bottom of its U.S. home page, including, with one exception, the way Amazon describes them:

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