


Eleanor Bloxham 2012-12-04








????Sterne Agee and Leach分析師吳肖(音譯)去年8月在接受消費(fèi)者新聞與財(cái)經(jīng)電視頻道采訪時(shí)曾稱,Autonomy交易可能長(zhǎng)期有益于惠普。上周,他告訴《芝加哥每日先驅(qū)報(bào)》(Chicago Daily Herald)稱,“他甚至都不知道惠特曼的CEO位子還穩(wěn)不穩(wěn),因?yàn)樵贏utonomy交易獲批時(shí)她也是董事會(huì)成員。”





Did the board probe enough?

????A little research would have highlighted other sources for concern. Good board members look for outside information at sites like Glassdoor.com. That site gives a picture of a very disgruntled Autonomy workforce (pre and post-takeover).

????While reliance on management is a standard defense for a decision gone awry, the tech giant also used a less common deflection strategy: they blamed $5 billion of the $8.8 billion write-down on Autonomy's bookkeeping. The McKesson (MCK) board was able to escape blame in the courts in a similar situation a decade ago. John Hammergren, a current HP board member and CEO of McKesson, was a top exec at that company at the time.

????But the first step to any good valuation is testing the plausibility of the numbers in the first place. And that's not something to skip over lightly. That means more than relying on audited financials but looking behind the numbers, as I discussed in my book. Audit firms, even those withconflicts, as was the case here, are rarely held to account.

What happens now?

????Perhaps HP's board members will not have to suffer much in court. Board members I speak with are generally not concerned with being held personally responsible because the bar is set so high that it is nearly impossible to affect them.

????But the HP board has suffered yet another blow to its credibility. Last quarter, Whitman wrote down $8 billion in goodwill. Even now, those who supported the board's Autonomy purchase are having doubts about the board and HP's future.

????Sterne Agee and Leach analyst Shaw Wu, who went on CNBC last August to say the Autonomy deal might be beneficial to HP in the long term, told the Chicago Daily Herald last week that "he isn't even sure Whitman's job as CEO is safe because of her presence on the board when the Autonomy deal was approved."

????Some are even calling for a purge of HP's board. It's surprising that board members aren't raising their hands to resign. But HP's Thacker told me the board is comfortable with how the company is proceeding.

????Amid all this mess, there's one person who probably is smiling right now. Shortly after HP's board decided to buy Autonomy, Dominique Senequier decided "not stand for re-election at HP's next annual meeting of stockholders," according to an HP filing. HP had appointed Senequier to the board earlier that year.

????Eleanor Bloxham is CEO of The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance (http://thevaluealliance.com), a board advisory firm.

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