


Vinod Khosla 2012-12-07


????拿治療發(fā)燒為例。150年來(lái),醫(yī)生一般都是開(kāi)布洛芬等退燒藥幫助退燒。但在2005年,邁阿密大學(xué)(the University of Miami)的研究人員對(duì)82名病?;颊哌M(jìn)行了一項(xiàng)研究。82名病人被隨機(jī)分成兩組,其中一組的病人在體溫超過(guò)攝氏38.5度時(shí)便服用退燒藥(即“標(biāo)準(zhǔn)療法”),另一組只有在體溫達(dá)到攝氏40度時(shí)才服用退燒藥。結(jié)果隨著試驗(yàn)的開(kāi)展,有7名接受標(biāo)準(zhǔn)療法的病人死亡了,而沒(méi)有服用退燒藥的那一組中,只有一名病人死亡。但就在這時(shí),試驗(yàn)由于倫理問(wèn)題被終止了,因?yàn)檠芯繄F(tuán)隊(duì)認(rèn)為再讓更多病人接受標(biāo)準(zhǔn)療法是不道德的。



????結(jié)果是患者不僅診療效果不理想,而且還花了大筆冤枉錢。約翰霍普金斯大學(xué)(Johns Hopkins?University)的一項(xiàng)研究發(fā)現(xiàn),美國(guó)每年都有40,500余名患者因?yàn)檎`診而死亡,幾乎與死于乳腺癌的人數(shù)相當(dāng)。另一份研究則發(fā)現(xiàn),有65%的誤診病例都與處理不當(dāng)、團(tuán)隊(duì)合作不協(xié)調(diào)、溝通不暢等所謂的“系統(tǒng)相關(guān)因素”有關(guān)。而75%的誤診病例都存在所謂的“認(rèn)識(shí)因素”,而其中最主要的原因,是由于醫(yī)生堅(jiān)持一開(kāi)始的錯(cuò)誤診斷,忽視了其它合理的可能。這種誤診也增加了醫(yī)療支出,每次誤診索賠的平均金額為30萬(wàn)美元。



????Healthcare today is often really the "practice of medicine" rather than the "science of medicine."

????Take fever as an example. For 150 years, doctors have routinely prescribed antipyretics like ibuprofen to help reduce fever. But in 2005, researchers at the University of Miami, Florida, ran a?studyof 82 intensive care patients. The patients were randomly assigned to receive antipyretics either if their temperature rose beyond 101.3°F ("standard treatment") or only if their temperature reached 104°F. As the trial progressed, seven people getting the standard treatment died, while there was only one death in the group of patients allowed to have a higher fever. At this point, the trial was stopped because the team felt it would be unethical to allow any more patients to get the?standard treatment.

????So when something as basic as fever reduction is a hallmark of the "practice of medicine" and hasn't been challenged for 100+ years, we have to ask: What else might be practiced due to tradition rather than science?

????Today's diagnoses are partially informed by patients' medical histories and partially by symptoms (but patients are bad at communicating what's really going on). They are mostly informed by advertising and the doctor's half-remembered and potentially obsolete lessons from medical school (which are laden with cognitive biases, recency biases, and other human errors). Many times, if you ask three doctors to look at the same problem, you'll get three different diagnoses and three different treatment plans.

????The net effect is patient outcomes that are inferior to and more expensive than what they should be. A Johns Hopkins?study?found that as many as 40,500 patients die in an ICU in the U.S. each year due to misdiagnosis, rivaling the number of deaths from breast cancer. Yet another?studyfound that 'system-related factors', e.g. poor processes, teamwork, and communication, were involved in 65% of studied diagnostic error cases. 'Cognitive factors' were involved in 75%, with 'premature closure' (sticking with the initial diagnosis and ignoring reasonable alternatives) as the most common cause. These types of diagnostic errors also add to rising healthcare expenditures, costing?$300,000?per malpractice claim.

????Healthcare should become more about data-driven deduction and less about trial-and-error. That's hard to pull off without technology, because of the increasing amount of data and research available. Next-generation medicine will utilize more complex models of physiology, and more sensor data than a human MD could comprehend, to suggest personalized diagnosis. Thousands of baseline and multi-omic data points, more integrative history, and demeanor will inform each diagnosis.

????Ever-improving dialog manager systems will help make data capture and exploration from patients more accurate and comprehensive. Data science will be key to this. In the end, it will reduce costs, reduce physician workloads, and improve patient care.

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