


Nin-Hai Tseng 2012-12-12

????經(jīng)濟(jì)與市場預(yù)測機(jī)構(gòu)IHS環(huán)球透視(IHS Global Insight)的經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家奈杰爾·高爾特表示,政府可能少算了從事相對(duì)較新工作的建筑隊(duì)數(shù)量。每月就業(yè)報(bào)告以兩份調(diào)查為基礎(chǔ),一份為家庭調(diào)查,用于確定失業(yè)率;另外一份則為公司調(diào)查,用于計(jì)算增加和減少的工作崗位總量。






????The government may be undercounting construction crews who've taken on relatively new jobs, says Nigel Gault, economist at IHS Global Insight. The monthly jobs report is based on two surveys -- one polling households, which determines the unemployment rate; the other businesses, which calculates the overall number of jobs added and lost.

????Because builders typically hire subcontractors to do everything from painting to plumbing, many of those jobs may not be accounted for since they work for smaller and newer firms. It may take several months before we know exactly how many jobs in construction have been created as the Labor Department catches on. It could also be a?shortage of construction workers?-- the residual effect of the housing bust when millions left construction amid the economic downturn.

????Even then, that might not make that much of a difference. Construction jobs make up only a small part of the employment picture. Of the more than 111 million jobs in the private sector, construction reflects roughly 550,000.

????To be sure, a healthy housing market is supposed to stimulate the overall economy because Americans' wealth is closely linked to their homes. It signals to corporate America -- from retailers to manufacturers -- that consumers are more likely to spend. In turn, executives invest and hire more. And so on.

????This time, the business cycle may pan out differently. Since the Great Recession was so deep, some have said "housing would have to be on steroids" to give the economy a meaningful boost.

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