


Erika Fry 2013-01-04


????這一進(jìn)展或許不會(huì)令人震驚,但美國(guó)人正在同時(shí)使用多種技術(shù)。比如,他們?cè)谟^看電視或電影時(shí),往往會(huì)同時(shí)使用社交媒體。根據(jù)尼爾森公司(Nielsen)提供的數(shù)據(jù),超過85%的平板電腦和智能手機(jī)擁有者在觀看電視時(shí)同時(shí)也在把弄手中的設(shè)備。這次美國(guó)總統(tǒng)大選辯論就淋淋盡致地彰顯了這一趨勢(shì),數(shù)量創(chuàng)下紀(jì)錄的觀眾在Twitter(如果你愿意,你可以把Twitter看成第二屏幕)上對(duì)他們正在第一屏幕上看到的內(nèi)容作出反應(yīng)。在美國(guó)橄欖球超級(jí)杯大賽(Super Bowl)、奧運(yùn)會(huì)和颶風(fēng)桑迪爆發(fā)期間,我們也可以清楚地看到這一點(diǎn)。盡管它或許并不是一個(gè)令人吃驚的進(jìn)展,但對(duì)于那些渴望贏得消費(fèi)者關(guān)注的廣告商來說,這種趨勢(shì)卻極具意義。




????雖然這一概念讓大多數(shù)老派的記者不寒而栗,受贊助的內(nèi)容(比如,實(shí)際上發(fā)揮著廣告功能的文章)已經(jīng)越來越普遍,特別是在一些數(shù)字媒體品牌上,比如Gawker、BuzzFeed、Quartz和重新改造的福布斯網(wǎng)站(Forbes)。廣告商對(duì)這一結(jié)果甚是滿意,尋求額外收入源泉的在線出版商亦是如此(因?yàn)樗鼈兺ㄟ^在線廣告獲得了不菲的收入)。根據(jù)定制內(nèi)容理事(Custom Content Council)提供的數(shù)據(jù),過去兩年間,品牌化內(nèi)容方面的支出已經(jīng)增加了13%。


????2012年,Twitter證明它是突發(fā)性新聞和時(shí)事評(píng)論家不可或缺的工具。除Twitter外,2012年另一個(gè)大贏家是BuzzFeed,這家在線出版商是《赫芬頓郵報(bào)》(Huffington Post)聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人喬納·佩雷蒂的心血之作。BuzzFeed以其瘋狂傳播網(wǎng)絡(luò)內(nèi)容(比如可愛的動(dòng)物圖片,以及供無聊的上班族使用的各種清單)的能力和專有軟件而備受矚目。今年,這家網(wǎng)站為圖片和內(nèi)容的融合增添了一絲莊嚴(yán)感。這家網(wǎng)站在政治新聞網(wǎng)(Politico)前總編本·史密斯的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下大大加強(qiáng)了報(bào)道團(tuán)隊(duì),并且已經(jīng)成為一個(gè)不可小覷的政治新聞集散地。還需要證據(jù)嗎?今年夏天,《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》在報(bào)道美國(guó)總統(tǒng)大選時(shí),就選擇BuzzFeed作為合作伙伴。


????Enter the second screen

????This may not come as a shocker, but Americans are multi-tasking with their technology, mainly to use social media, while watching TVs or movies. According to Nielsen, more than 85% of both tablet and smartphone owners use their devices while watching TV. Never was this clearer than during the presidential debates, when record numbers took to Twitter (screen No. 2, if you will) to react to what they were watching on screen No. 1. This was also clear during the Super Bowl, the Olympics, and during Superstorm Sandy. While it may not be a surprising development, it's a meaningful one to advertisers desperate for consumers' attention.

????Beware: TVs are getting smarter

????While no company has nailed it quite yet, seamless integration of television and the Internet is on its way. Samsung's most sophisticated TV model released this year featured voice, face, and motion recognition technology to boot. And there are plenty of rumors that an Apple (AAPL) smart TV is coming soon.

????Your journalism, branded?

????While the concept makes most old-school journalists shudder, sponsored content (i.e. articles that essentially function as advertisements) has become increasingly prevalent, particularly amongst digital media brands like Gawker, BuzzFeed, Quartz, and the reinvented Forbes. Advertisers have been pleased with the results, as have online publishers looking to supplement revenue generated from online advertising. According to Custom Content Council, spending on branded content has increased 13% over the past two years.

????A very BuzzFeed 2012

????Aside from Twitter, which proved itself indispensible for both breaking news and armchair punditry this year, 2012's big winner was BuzzFeed, the brainchild of Huffington Post co-founder Jonah Peretti. The website is conducting its own reverse engineering experiment. The site, which is best known for its power (and proprietary software) to render viral content like cute animal pictures and lists for the bored office worker, added some gravitas to the mix this year. Under the editorship of Ben Smith, formerly of Politico, the site has bulked up its reporting staff and has become a legitimate destination for political news. Need proof? This summer, the?New York Timesteamed up with BuzzFeed on election coverage.

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