
????百思買(Best Buy)正在走下坡路。去年一年,公司股價下跌50%,核心高管紛紛跳槽。最近,公司數字戰(zhàn)略負責人史蒂夫·吉列特跳槽并加入賽門鐵克(Symantec)。公司意識到,私有化或許是最佳選擇,于是延長了創(chuàng)始人理查德·舒爾茨針對公司出價的期限。 ????不論上市還是私有化,百思買都必須確定未來的發(fā)展方向。它的核心業(yè)務日用電子商品零售業(yè)務已被迫終止,無法繼續(xù)給公司帶來利潤。亞馬遜(Amazon)等在線競爭對手使百思買淪落成一個臃腫的展廳,消費者到這里來觸摸、感受產品,只是為了以更低的價格在線購買。百思買店鋪的“導購員”對店內技術的無知一直為人詬病。相比之下,蘋果(Apple)商店每一位穿藍汗衫的員工已經成為蘋果技術不可分割的一部分。 ????百思買應該學習IBM,從銷售低利潤的日用商品,向銷售高利潤、高參與度的服務轉變。不過,百思買不必像IBM一樣,以《財富》百強(Fortune 100)公司為核心客戶,而是面向中小企業(yè)和普通消費者。公司的核心資產包括其值得信賴的品牌和處于優(yōu)勢地位的房地產租約。百思買可以以全新的方式利用這兩項資產,找到一條截然不同的發(fā)展道路——不再提供服務糟糕的日用商品,而是提供服務、培訓和創(chuàng)新。 ????下面是執(zhí)行這一策略的五種方式: ????1. 提供現場培訓、店內培訓與在線培訓。科技初創(chuàng)公司General Assembly等已經創(chuàng)建了一個非常成功的數字培訓中心網絡。百思買可以與GA或其他培訓服務提供商合作,將其大賣場作為培訓中心。與直接向消費者銷售商品化的平面屏幕相比,這種方式不僅可以帶來高利潤的收入,還可以加深消費者的參與度。百思買還可以到公司園區(qū)安排現場培訓。許多公司都在努力跟上科技發(fā)展的步伐,如果有一家知名的、全國性的培訓提供商能到現場對其員工進行培訓,這些公司肯定會非常歡迎。 ????此外,百思買還可以與微軟(Microsoft)、思科(Cisco)、在線客戶關系管理服務供應商Salesforce.com等公司合作,提供在線與現場培訓。此外,公司還可以與Udacity、Coursera等在線課程提供商合作,為其課堂提供視頻會議與學習活動的共用空間。 |
????Best Buy is in a downward spiral. The company's stock price is down 50% over the last year and key executives have jumped ship. Best Buy's head of digital strategy, Steve Gillett, left recently to join Symantec. The company has given its founder, Richard Schulze, an extended period to put a bid together for the company -- sensing that going private may be its best option. ????Whether Best Buy (BBY) stays public or not, it must define a roadmap for its future. The core business of retailing commodity electronics is broken and will not produce ongoing profits. Online competitors like Amazon (AMZN) have forced Best Buy into becoming a bloated showroom for consumers to touch and feel product only to buy the same product online for less.?Best Buy's store "helpers" are notoriously uninformed about the technologies in the store. Compare the experience with an Apple (AAPL) store where nearly every blue-shirter is personally embedded in Apple technology. ????Best Buy should take a page from the IBM (IBM) playbook and shift from low-margin sales of commodity products to high-margin and high-engagement services. Instead of focusing on the Fortune 100 as IBM does, however, Best Buy can serve small and medium-sized business and consumers. Among the core assets of the company are its trusted brand and its well-placed real estate leases. Best Buy can leverage these two assets in a new way to deliver a fundamentally different proposition -- instead of offering commodity product with poor service, Best Buy can offer services, training and innovation. ????Here are five tactics to implement this strategy: ????1. Offer on site, in-store and online training.?Companies such as?General Assembly?(GA) have created successful networks of digital training centers. Best Buy can bring in GA or other providers and use part of their big box stores as training centers. This will bring in high-profit streams of revenue while engaging the customer in a much deeper way than selling them a commoditized flat screen. Best Buy could also arrange for on site training at corporate campuses. Companies are struggling to keep up with the latest technologies and would welcome a brand-name, national training provider to teach their employees on site. ????Best Buy can partner with Microsoft (MSFT), Cisco (CSCO), Salesforce.com (CRM) and others to deliver online and on site training modules. It can also work with?Udacity,?Coursera?and other online course providers to offer a common space for video conferencing and study sessions for their classes. |