


JP Mangalindan 2013-01-10
分析師稱,數(shù)據(jù)顯示蘋果目前并非高端消費(fèi)品牌。嚴(yán)格來說, 與耐克、LV等高端消費(fèi)品牌不同,蘋果缺乏“客戶強(qiáng)烈的再度購買意愿”。雖然蘋果過去5年在iPhone和iPad的推動下經(jīng)歷了爆炸式增長,但目前回頭客只為它貢獻(xiàn)了不到一半的利潤。


????然而,伯恩斯坦研究公司(Bernstein Research)的托妮?薩科納吉上周發(fā)布報告稱,它至少目前還不是。雖然蘋果公司已經(jīng)有了一批忠實的追隨者,但嚴(yán)格來說, 與耐克(Nike)、路易?威登(Louis Vuitton)以及薩克斯百貨(Saks)等高端消費(fèi)品牌不同,蘋果缺乏“客戶強(qiáng)烈的再度購買意愿”。



??? 更有趣的是,伯恩斯坦研究還對另一批智能手機(jī)用戶進(jìn)行了調(diào)查。結(jié)果顯示,75%的Android用戶打算繼續(xù)購買Android手機(jī),58%的黑莓(BlackBerry)用戶會仍然選擇黑莓,而只有37%的Windows Phone用戶打算繼續(xù)堅守這一平臺。

????With a large stable of well-designed, bestselling products that don't come cheap, isn't Apple already a premium consumer brand?

????According to a report out last week from Toni Sacconaghi, a Bernstein Research analyst, not quite, or at least, not yet. While Apple (AAPL) already has a fervent following, it technically lacks the "high customer repurchase intention" associated with brands of this type, like Nike (NKE), Louis Vuitton, and Saks (SKS).

????That's changing quickly. A consumer survey also conducted by Bernstein Research seems to back that up: 95% of current iPhone users in Europe and North America plan on repurchasing an iPhone now, and 85% of iPad customers plan on repurchasing another iPad some time down the line as well.

????As the hyper-growth company of the last five years, largely propelled by the iPhone and iPad lines, less than 50% of Apple's actual profits currently come from repeat customers, but given those survey results, the inflection point should arrive some time in 2015.

????Interestingly enough, Bernstein Research also surveyed other smartphone users and found that 75% of Android users plan to repurchase another Android device, 58% of BlackBerry users plan on doing similarly, while just 37% of Windows phone owners intend on sticking with the platform.

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