


Janet Morrissey 2013-01-11



????另外,至少還有一位大將——首席技術(shù)官理查德?湯姆——也離職了。這就讓業(yè)內(nèi)專家感慨,到底還有多少員工會(huì)跟著這兩位拂袖而去。有些人推測(cè),吉拉爾帶進(jìn)公司的很多人——包括來(lái)自亞馬遜公司(Amazon)的同事和哈佛法學(xué)院(Harvard Law School)的同學(xué)——可能也會(huì)走人,讓Hulu的前景陷入更大的不確定性中。Capital Advisors公司股票戰(zhàn)略總經(jīng)理錢寧?史密斯說(shuō):“只要看見一個(gè)公司參與創(chuàng)辦的核心高管離職,這家公司的前途就會(huì)讓人擔(dān)憂了?!?/p>


????憑借一群大名鼎鼎的媒體巨頭做后臺(tái),如新聞集團(tuán)(News Corp)、迪斯尼公司(Walt Disney Co)和康卡斯特公司(Comcast)的NBC環(huán)球(NBC Universal),吉拉爾擔(dān)任首席執(zhí)行官,Hulu已經(jīng)走上了增長(zhǎng)的正軌,這讓一些曾經(jīng)最苛刻的批評(píng)者都感到驚訝。Hulu剛創(chuàng)辦時(shí),業(yè)內(nèi)那些持懷疑態(tài)度的人士曾為它杜撰了個(gè)“小丑公司”(Clown Co)的雅號(hào),因?yàn)樗麄冋J(rèn)為,這幫媒體大佬沒法讓這么一個(gè)復(fù)雜的技術(shù)產(chǎn)品順利運(yùn)營(yíng)。作為亞馬遜公司曾經(jīng)的天才人物,吉拉爾普遍被認(rèn)為對(duì)Hulu的迅猛增長(zhǎng)和大獲成功居功至偉。去年12月,該公司在一個(gè)博客中稱,僅2012年其營(yíng)收就增長(zhǎng)了65%。


????It came as little surprise when Hulu's maestro Jason Kilar confirmed long-time speculation that he would be leaving his post as the video streaming giant's chief executive. He dropped the bombshell in typical Kilar fashion -- on his blog. This post contained none of the brash, in-your-face dissertations that had so often vexed Hulu's media company owners. This one was poignant, almost melancholic, as Kilar reminisced about a company he transformed from an empty office suite in 2007 into one that has attracted more than 3 million paying subscribers and generated $700 million in revenue in 2012.

????"My decision to depart has been one of the toughest I've ever made," he wrote, but gave no reasons for his exit. No finger-pointing. No long diatribes about the industry or Hulu's owners. Zilch. In fact, the blog left more questions than answers, especially about Hulu's long-term future and its viability in an industry that has become fiercely competitive. (See Hulu's network drama in Fortune.)

????At least one other employee -- chief technology officer Richard Tom -- is also leaving, causing industry experts to wonder how many others may follow the two out the door. Some speculate that many of the people Kilar brought in with him -- colleagues from Amazon (AMZN) and buddies from Harvard Law School -- may also exit, which could create considerable uncertainty at Hulu. "Anytime you start to see key management personnel that have been involved in building a company leaving, then yeah, there's concern about the future of that franchise," says Channing Smith, managing director of equity strategies at Capital Advisors.

????Some industry analysts even wonder if this is the beginning of the end of Hulu.

????With big-name media giants News Corp (NWS), Walt Disney Co (DIS), and Comcast's (CMCSA) NBC Universal among its owners and Kilar as its chief executive, Hulu had been on a growth trajectory that had surprised even its toughest critics. Industry skeptics dubbed the entity "Clown Co" when it was first formed because they didn't think a bunch of big media companies could get a sophisticated technology product off the ground. Kilar, a former Amazon whizkid, is largely credited for the company's growth and success. Its revenues climbed 65% in 2012 alone, the company claimed in a blog in December.

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