


Doron Levin 2013-01-16



????奧迪美國分公司總裁斯科特?吉奧稱:“把所有這些系統(tǒng)放在一起,汽車就基本能幫著司機自動駕駛了。”本周在拉斯維加斯舉辦的消費電子展(Consumer Electronics Show)上,奧迪展示了一套名為“交通擁堵輔助系統(tǒng)”的原型,它主要用于時速低于60公里(37英里)時的交通狀況。


????奧迪是繼谷歌公司(Google)之后的第二家公司,也是首家獲準在內(nèi)華達州公路上測試其自動駕駛系統(tǒng)的汽車公司。而其他大公司,包括通用汽車(General Motors)和福特汽車(Ford Motor)也都在開發(fā)自己的自動駕駛系統(tǒng),不過它們在本次展會上都沒有發(fā)布任何聲明或召開發(fā)布會。




????Technology that will allow cars to operate with minimal input from human drivers is being demonstrated more openly by a few automakers, notably Audi, Toyota's Lexus and Mercedes-Benz. The technology will be available in a few years, they say.

????Automakers worry, however, that consumers and regulators may balk at giving up control. Drivers increasingly use anti-lock brakes, stability control, adaptive cruise control, lane departure warnings and other high-tech gadgetry. Most don't realize it's a small step to a nearly fully automatic control system, carmakers say.

????"You put all these thing together and already the car is helping to drive itself," says Scott Keogh, president of Audi AG's U.S. subsidiary. At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week Audi showed a prototype of "Traffic Jam Assist" for use in traffic traveling below 60 kilometers (37 miles) per hour.

????Optical and radar sensors identify lane markers to keep the specially equipped Audi A6 from drifting out of its lane, nudging the wheel in the direction it must go. Forward sensors slow the car down when it gets too close to a vehicle ahead, or speeds it up when the gap is large. The sensors and the chips that process information are getting smaller, cheaper and more powerful at a dramatic pace.

????Audi is the second company, and first automaker after Google (GOOG), to receive permission to test its systems on Nevada roads. Other major automakers, including General Motors Co. (GM) and Ford Motor Co. (F), are working on autonomous systems but sidestepped making any announcements or holding briefings at the show.

????Keogh and other Audi executives and engineers from Germany declined to say exactly when "Traffic Jam Assist" might be available in an Audi model -- except to say "this decade." They were quick to point out that while the technology could relieve the monotony and improve safety in stop-and-go driving, the driver "must not" relinquish control entirely. The sneak peek at the technologies is designed, executives said, to familiarize a public that might otherwise find them strange or frightening.

????Unlike Google, which it testing a driverless Toyota Prius it developed for on California and Nevada roads toward a future of driverless cars, Audi rejects the notion that drivers might one day become obsolete.

????Well, almost. Audi also demonstrated a self-parking car at a Las Vegas parking garage that found its own space and returned at the summons of its "driver." "Audi can provide the technology and some public relations to show the value," says Wolfgang Durheimer, Audi board member in charge of research and development. "The key" for consumer acceptance is to show "that it solves a problem consumers have."

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