


Vickie Elmer 2013-01-17



????總部位于密西根州安娜堡的Entre-SLAM鼓勵(lì)創(chuàng)業(yè)者通過(guò)分享故事和喝啤酒來(lái)拓展人脈。巴盧說(shuō):“我們被真實(shí)的生活故事所吸引,”巴盧曾寫(xiě)過(guò)兩本小說(shuō),但都沒(méi)有出版。她還主持過(guò)當(dāng)?shù)匾粓?chǎng)電視海選節(jié)目。今年夏天她放棄了這些活動(dòng),以便在Entre-SLAM上花更多的時(shí)間。她說(shuō):“這就像電影《楚門(mén)的世界》(The Truman Show)一樣——關(guān)注普通人、他們的日常生活和遇到的問(wèn)題?!敝v故事的人都是創(chuàng)業(yè)者,有些人有幾十年的企業(yè)經(jīng)驗(yàn),有些人在上臺(tái)前幾天才剛剛創(chuàng)立了公司。

????巴盧和錢(qián)伯斯-普利斯正在拓展這一觀眾市場(chǎng)——美國(guó)國(guó)家公共廣播電臺(tái)(NPR)在十幾個(gè)城市舉行的每月故事大賽The Moth、Creative Mornings和TedX大會(huì)的觀眾。同時(shí),她們還在吸引營(yíng)銷(xiāo)人員對(duì)這些故事的興趣,通過(guò)這些故事銷(xiāo)售從汽車(chē)(比如Jeep)到威士忌(Jack Daniels,杰克?丹尼)等在內(nèi)的各種產(chǎn)品。


????在某種意義上,Entre-SLAM結(jié)合了商會(huì)、The Moth和MeetUp活動(dòng)元素。獲勝者的獎(jiǎng)品從區(qū)域大廚親自掌勺的美食大餐到認(rèn)證停車(chē)證,再到免費(fèi)按摩,不一而足。

????2012年1月末,巴盧和錢(qián)伯斯-普利斯在討論如何在資深人士培訓(xùn)課程上進(jìn)行合作時(shí),想出了Entre-SLAM這個(gè)點(diǎn)子。(巴盧的職業(yè)背景是培訓(xùn)。)巴盧問(wèn)錢(qián)伯斯-普利斯,是否想?yún)⒓覶he Moth。“我去不了,”錢(qián)伯斯-普利斯回憶道。但她想到,她們可以為小企業(yè)家創(chuàng)辦一個(gè)類(lèi)似的活動(dòng)。




????Like most startup founders, the women who launched Entre-SLAM have plenty of stories about the joys and complications of getting their business going.

????They could tell you all about their search for the perfect venue or the right emcee for their storytelling competition and networking events for entrepreneurs. But partners Jeannie Ballew and Christa Chambers-Price would be just as happy to have their storytellers do the talking.

????Ann Arbor, Mich.-based Entre-SLAM encourages entrepreneurs to connect over stories and a beer. "We are drawn to authentic, real life stories," says Ballew, who has written two unpublished novels and hosted a local public access television show. She gave it up this summer to spend more time on Entre-SLAM. "This is like The Truman Show -- watch everyday people and their everyday dramas and issues," she says. Except the people telling stories are business owners, some who have decades of experience and some who started just days before their storytelling debut.

????Ballew and Chambers-Price are tapping into the kind of audience that shows up for The Moth, the NPR monthly story-slams staged in a dozen cities, Creative Mornings, and TedX conferences. They are also drawing on marketers' passion for using stories to sell everything from cars (think Jeep) to whiskey (Jack Daniels) and much more.

????There are a handful of other business storytelling events around the country, but very few are held monthly like Entre-SLAM. The events also attract organizations that consult and coach, film, and fine-tune business leaders' tales so they appeal to customers, investors, or potential partners.

????In a sense, Entre-SLAM combines elements of a chamber of commerce mixer, The Moth, and a MeetUp event. Winners take home prizes ranging from a gourmet dinner from an area chef, to validated parking stickers, to a free massage.

????Ballew and Chambers-Price came up with the idea for Entre-SLAM last January 2012 while they were discussing how they could collaborate on a veterans' training course. (Ballew's background is in training.) Ballew asked Chambers-Price if she wanted to go The Moth. "I couldn't go," Chambers-Price recalled. But she thought that they could create a similar event for small business owners.

????Within three weeks, they decided to launch a new venture, which had no name but did have a hope to reach "that person on the fifth row, that guy or gal in the dark, who has a great story to tell, but never had the right connections" to get invited on-stage, said Chambers-Price.

????The duo met through a bookshop owner who lives in their neighborhood. "He first saw the potential in our meeting," says Ballew. "Little did he know what blessed madness it would birth." Ballew eventually became Chambers-Price's client, at her company KnowledgeCrush, which helps market and coach solo entrepreneurs. (Besides the storytelling and networking business, the two women are working together on a book-writing cruise aimed at executives, part of Ballew's book coaching and editing work.)

????They held their first Entre-SLAM on March 29 in a packed catering space, where some of their friends and a few surprise guests shared stories of their business setbacks.

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