


Jennifer Reingold 2013-01-21

????赫伯?凱勒爾與所謂“幕后老板”實(shí)在是不沾邊。這位西南航空(Southwest Airlines)創(chuàng)始人及榮譽(yù)退休董事長(zhǎng)現(xiàn)年82歲,但他喜歡喝野火雞101威士忌,總愛(ài)不停抽煙,說(shuō)起對(duì)航空業(yè)的了解,無(wú)人能出其左右。

????凱勒爾曾經(jīng)是一名律師,最為人樂(lè)道的是他在一張(雞尾酒會(huì))餐巾紙的背面創(chuàng)造了西南航空的商業(yè)模式。凱勒爾絕對(duì)是一個(gè)另類(lèi):作為一名創(chuàng)業(yè)者,他不僅成功創(chuàng)辦了一家初創(chuàng)公司,把它打造成一個(gè)巨大的企業(yè),而且,這家企業(yè)曾多次登上《財(cái)富》雜志(Fortune)的最受贊賞公司(Most Admired Companies)榜單。在西南航空達(dá)拉斯總部,《財(cái)富》雜志的珍妮弗?萊因戈?duì)柕屡c凱勒爾在他的辦公室里,暢談了他對(duì)一系列話題的看法,包括航空業(yè)的整合、他正在撰寫(xiě)的新書(shū)、如何正確對(duì)待員工,以及其它他感興趣的話題。












????其實(shí),與其他行業(yè)相比,航空業(yè)極度分散。與汽車(chē)行業(yè)更是無(wú)法相比。以汽車(chē)行業(yè)為例,當(dāng)時(shí),美國(guó)汽車(chē)業(yè)基本上就是福特(Ford)、通用(GM)和克萊斯勒(Chrysler)三家。如果放寬對(duì)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)的限制,必然會(huì)減少航空公司的數(shù)量?,F(xiàn)實(shí)一點(diǎn)的人都會(huì)得出這樣的判斷,因?yàn)?0年來(lái),美國(guó)民用航空委員會(huì)(Civil Aeronautics Board)一直對(duì)已有的航空公司進(jìn)行競(jìng)爭(zhēng)保護(hù),甚至達(dá)到了放縱的程度。而這一切在之后帶來(lái)了放射效應(yīng),不幸果然發(fā)生。許多偉大的傳統(tǒng)品牌隨之消失,比如泛美航空公司(Pan AM)、環(huán)球航空公司(TWA)、美國(guó)東方航空公司(Eastern)等。而現(xiàn)在,以我之見(jiàn),你可以使用哲學(xué)中的歸謬法來(lái)形容美國(guó)的航空業(yè)整合。比方說(shuō),你可以認(rèn)為當(dāng)今的美國(guó)只有兩家航空運(yùn)營(yíng)商。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))



????Herb Kelleher and "éminence grise" shouldn't really go together. But the Wild Turkey 101-drinking, chain-smoking founder and chairman emeritus of Southwest Airlines (LUV) is now 82 and knows more about the airline industry than practically anyone else on the planet.

????A former lawyer who famously created the business model for Southwest on the back of a (cocktail) napkin, Kelleher is one of those rare birds: an entrepreneur who managed to create a successful startup, then stuck around to build it into a huge corporation and a perennial on this magazine's Most Admired Companies list. Fortune's Jennifer Reingold sat down with him in his office at Southwest's Dallas headquarters to get his take on airline consolidation, the book he's writing, treating employees right, and basically anything else he felt like discussing.

????Q: You've always talked about how important committed employees are to the success of a company. How did you make that work at Southwest?

????A: Well, the people did it. I just stayed out of their way.

????But that's a big part of leadership, isn't it?

????I think so. Be there when they're having problems, and stay out of their way when things are going well.

????Has it been hard for you to give up power?

????Power should be reserved for weightlifting and boats, and leadership really involves responsibility. The end result of that is that if you regard being a CEO as important because it's a powerful position, you're always going to regret that at some point you had to step down. If you regard it as a responsibility to others, you may say, "Whew!" You know? "At last, I don't have those responsibilities anymore!"

????You're still here every day. Sometimes, especially with a big personality and a founder, isn't it tough for a successor to do his job?

????I never interfere. If I have any comments to make, which are very few, I send them a personal note. And they've been few and far between because [CEO and chairman] Gary Kelly is doing a terrific job in my estimation. And I deliberately decided in deference to Gary's leadership that I should take a much lower profile. It involves, for instance, not going to a number of company events, like the chili cook-off, because I didn't want anybody to think that I was competing for attention with our new leader.

????And that's why I stepped down from the board too, incidentally. Because I didn't think it was fair to Gary and the new leadership as a totality to have me sitting there at the board table with a dyspeptic look on my face -- you know, like I needed some Tums.

????Gary has handled the transition beautifully. He's got a great presence. He's an excellent speaker. He's highly intelligent. He's very diligent. And I think now probably everybody says, "Wow! He's one heck of a CEO! And who's that old guy with the wrinkles sitting in the balcony?"

????Talk to me about the incredible consolidation in the airline industry.

????The airline industry is a very fragmented industry compared with other industries. Very fragmented compared with the automobile industry. I use that as an example, where you had Ford (F), GM (GM), and Chrysler basically at that time. And deregulation involving competition was bound to produce a smaller number of airlines. Anybody who was realistic about it anticipated that that would be the case because the Civil Aeronautics Board for 40 years had kind of coddled and protected the existing airlines from competition. So there was going to be some fallout. That happened. A lot of the great old names vanished, like Pan Am, TWA, Eastern, etc. Now, you can carry that, in my opinion, to areductio ad absurdum -- you know, where you only have, say, two carriers in the United States.

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