


JP Mangalindan 2013-01-22

????亞馬遜推出針對iPhone和iPod touch的MP3網(wǎng)上商店,意在搶占蘋果份額 科技博客THE NEXT WEB


????用戶購買MP3時,歌曲將自動轉(zhuǎn)移至其亞馬遜云播放器賬戶中(該賬戶擁有5GB免費存儲空間),可以通過云播放器移動應(yīng)用程序重新播放。這個程序適用于iPhone、iPod touch、iPad、Kindle Fire、Android智能手機(jī)和平板、Roku、Sonos系統(tǒng),或任何網(wǎng)絡(luò)瀏覽器。

????谷歌掌門人:高精尖技術(shù)緣何至關(guān)重要 《連線》雜志

????《連線》:現(xiàn)在你設(shè)立了一個名叫 Google X 的獨立部門,專門研發(fā)無人駕駛汽車等高精尖技術(shù)。為什么決定設(shè)立這樣一個獨立的完整部門?

????佩奇:對整個業(yè)務(wù)而言,我認(rèn)為我們需要做一些突破性的,但又不能立竿見影的事情。而現(xiàn)在 Google X 做所的事情能夠更加獨立。

????我們常常進(jìn)行這樣的探討:我們有這么多資金,這么多人才,為什么我們不做更多的事情?你可能會說 ,蘋果的產(chǎn)品線非常非常少,但該公司過得可好啦。但是我不滿意,我覺得我們有大把大把的機(jī)會,可以開發(fā)出更多、更好的技術(shù)讓全世界人民生活得更幸福。在這么多機(jī)會中,谷歌可能只是瞄準(zhǔn)了其中的 0.1%。不過??赡芩锌萍脊炯悠饋硪仓挥?%。這意味著還有 99% 的領(lǐng)域完全是空白。投資者們總是憂心忡忡:“?。∧銈冊伊四敲炊嘣┩麇X在這些瘋狂的產(chǎn)品上!”但這些產(chǎn)品正是他們?nèi)缃袼偪褡分鸬腨ouTube、Chrome和Android。如果你做的事情不瘋狂,那你肯定沒找對事。

????SurveyMonkey為什么推遲首次公開募股 《財富》雜志

????“我創(chuàng)建的第一家公司就上市了,我也曾經(jīng)在雅虎(Yahoo)工作了七年。我無數(shù)次看到,大量公司決策是為了影響公司當(dāng)時的股價而做出的,”戈德伯格說。戈德伯格是硅谷最優(yōu)秀(也是最受歡迎的)的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)公司高管之一。他還近距離見證了去年最混亂的IPO,也就是Facebook公開上市。戈德伯格的太太、謝麗爾?桑德博格正是Facebook的首席運營官。Facebook股價如今仍然跌破發(fā)行價。“公開上市的原因太多了,” 戈德伯格說,比如企業(yè)成長資金、品牌認(rèn)知度以及在企業(yè)客戶中的信譽等等。“不過,這些原因?qū)ξ覀兌疾贿m用?!?/p>

????Amazon looks to reduce Apple's hold on music sales with launch of MP3 web store for iPhone and iPod touch [THE NEXT WEB]

????The online retailer says that it has developed its MP3 store to operate seamlessly on Apple's Safari mobile browser, offering personalised recommendations, bestseller lists and Amazon ratings.

????When a user makes a purchase, it is automatically transferred to their Amazon Cloud Player account (which holds 5GB of free storage) and can be played back using the Cloud Player mobile apps, which are available on the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Kindle Fire, Android smartphone or tablet, Roku, Sonos system, or any web browser.

????Google's Larry Page on why moon shots matter [WIRED]

????Wired: Now you have a separate division called Google X, dedicated to moon-shot projects like self-driving cars. Why did you decide you needed to set up an entire department for this?

????Page: I think we need to be doing breakthrough, non-incremental things across our whole business. But right now Google X does things that can be done more independently.

????You know, we always have these debates: We have all this money, we have all these people, why aren't we doing more stuff? You may say that Apple only does a very, very small number of things, and that's working pretty well for them. But I find that unsatisfying. I feel like there are all these opportunities in the world to use technology to make people's lives better. At Google we're attacking maybe 0.1 percent of that space. And all the tech companies combined are only at like 1 percent. That means there's 99 percent virgin territory. Investors always worry, "Oh, you guys are going to spend too much money on these crazy things." But those are now the things they're most excited about—YouTube, Chrome, Android. If you're not doing some things that are crazy, then you're doing the wrong things.

????Why SurveyMonkey is holding off on an IPO [FORTUNE]

????"I took my first company public and worked at Yahoo (YHOO) for seven years, and I saw plenty of decisions made because of what it would do to the stock price that week," he says. One of Silicon Valley's best networked (and well liked) executives, Goldberg also witnessed up close last year's most tumultuous IPO, the still-underwater debut of Facebook (FB), where his wife, Sheryl Sandberg, is chief operating officer. "There are lots of good reasons for going public," says Goldberg, ticking off growth capital, brand recognition and credibility with business customers as chief examples. "We just don't have any of them."

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