


Michal Lev-Ram 2013-02-22

????最近在拉斯維加斯舉行的消費(fèi)電子展上,見證了高通公司(Qualcomm)開幕主旨發(fā)言的人都知道,這家手機(jī)芯片制造商正試圖在大眾市場(chǎng)獲得關(guān)注。不然,它何必請(qǐng)來(lái)卡通角色“大鳥”( Big Bird)、諾貝爾和平獎(jiǎng)得主德斯蒙德?圖圖大主教以及知名搖滾樂隊(duì)Maroon 5擔(dān)任嘉賓?原來(lái),這只是高通努力提升品牌認(rèn)知度的第一步。在新任首席營(yíng)銷官阿南德?錢德拉塞克的帶領(lǐng)下,這家位于圣地亞哥的公司正展開營(yíng)銷活動(dòng),旨在激起消費(fèi)者對(duì)手機(jī)和平板電腦中那小小芯片的關(guān)心?;顒?dòng)的投資規(guī)模之大,前所未有。




????Anyone who witnessed Qualcomm's opening keynote at the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas knows that the mobile chipmaker is trying to get some mass market attention. What else could explain guest appearances by Big Bird, Archbishop Desmond Tutu andMaroon 5? Turns out, that was just Qualcomm's opening gambit in a major effort to become more widely recognized. Under the direction of its new CMO, Anand Chandrasekher, the San Diego-based company is spending more than ever on a marketing campaign that aims to get consumers to finally care about the teeny-tiny chips inside of their phones and tablets.

????Qualcomm (QCOM) hopes to achieve this goal through a series of viral videos -- and, of course, more traditional ads like this one. On Tuesday the company is releasing its latest online video, which it says is supposed to show how mobility makes users' lives better. The video depicts a bus stop that has been outfitted with a series of posters, with captions like "IN A HURRY?" and "BORED?" Each poster features a URL. When commuters waiting for the bus tap the URL into their phones, it activates a related gag. For example, a young bearded guy at the bus stop sees a poster that says "SEEN IT ALL?" and enters the corresponding URL into his phone. Moments later, a pack of huskies trot by pulling a sled on wheels. (Keep watching, and you'll also see a clown, an accordionist, and a dude on stilts.)

????Qualcomm's senior director of global marketing, Liya Sharif, says all of the shots in the two-minute-long clip were candid and taken from hidden cameras -- meaning that the commuters in the video were real-life people waiting for the bus, not actors. But despite the massive success some companies have had with viral video campaigns, coming across as authentic and humorous via YouTube (GOOG) is no slam dunk, no matter how many cats are involved. Qualcomm's challenge is that, while its chips power many of the world's top-selling phones and tablets, its brand doesn't have much clout among everyday consumers. "We're a $100 billion company that's almost unheard of," CMO Chandrasekher told Fortune in a recent interview.

????Chandrasekher spent about 25 years at rival Intel (INTC). He held many positions while at the company, but his most recent gig was running Intel's mobile group. "As mobility has become the center of the computing industry and the consumer electronics industry, there's a fairly big target on the mobile semiconductor space," he says. "And as you look at the companies interested in making inroads into that space, many of those companies are reasonably sophisticated from a marketing standpoint -- it would be silly for us to ignore what marketing can do."

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