


Dan Primack 2013-02-26
















????What really happened at LivingSocial?

????Yesterday morning, news leaked that the company had raised $110 million in new financing. Seemed to be a long-awaited hallelujah moment for the daily deal company, particularly after investor Amazon.com (AMZN) significantly wrote down its LivingSocial investment in recent quarterly earning reports.

????But the storm clouds came quickly, when a research group called PrivCo claimed that the financing actually was convertible debt that wiped out the value of founder and employee liquidity and included a whole rash of onerous terms. PrivCo also claimed that the round was "emergency" round of funding that staved off imminent bankruptcy.

????Multiple investor sources took issue with the PrivCo report during background conversations earlier this morning, and now Fortune has obtained a memo that LivingSocial CEO Tim O'Shaughnessy just issued to employees. Here it is, in its entirety:

????Hey folks,

????In light of a recent report on our financing round that contained significant inaccuracies and errors, I wanted to provide some additional details on yesterday's round.

????If you've seen some of that misinformation, here's the real story:

??????This was not an emergency round. We received our first term sheet on December 23rd, nearly two months ago, and this has been an organized, thought-out process.

??????This was an equity round, not a debt infusion.

??????There was no re-pricing of investor shares from previous rounds.

??????There were no warrants issued as part of this round.

??????There were no "double-digit" cash dividends. (Typical of many financing rounds, including our own past rounds, there was a nominal 3% dividend for a class of shares.)

??????There is no "4x liquidation preference." (Once again, typical of almost all venture rounds, there is a liquidation preference, but it slides up or down based on a key metric and gets nowhere near 4x.)

??????The quotes from a "senior LivingSocial communication executive" are straight up fiction.

??????Two of the three investors listed on the PrivCo site as participating in the round didn't participate, and one isn't even an investor in the company.?

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