


Stephen Gandel 2013-02-28










????去年12月,花旗集團(tuán)(Citigroup)宣布將裁員1.1萬(wàn)人,并稱裁員后的所謂費(fèi)用率會(huì)處于大型銀行的最低水平。據(jù)稱,高盛(Goldman Sachs)也在醞釀新一輪的裁員。去年,高盛管理層表示,希望將高盛變?yōu)槿A爾街上的低成本金融機(jī)構(gòu)。這倒也算不上是好高騖遠(yuǎn)。



????An encounter with a whale can really change a fella.

????A year ago, at JPMorgan's investor day, CEO Jamie Dimon said he believed his mega-bank was still too small. He said his firm would continue hiring and opening branches, even as the economy remained slow.

????This year, it appears Dimon's tune has changed.

????JPMorgan Chase (JPM) kicked off this year's annual investor day on Tuesday, with plans to reduce headcount and expenses in 2013. The bank says it expects to eliminate 4,000 positions and cut costs by $1 billion over the course of the year.

????And the cuts could accelerate next year. The bank said it plans to eliminate as many as 19,000 employees in its community and mortgage banking units by the end of 2014. But it didn't give an overall headcount number for the end of 2014, so those job cuts could be offset by hiring elsewhere in the bank.

????That's good and bad news. In part, the cuts in its mortgage unit signal that the bank believes the worst of its home loan problems are behind it.

????But it also shows how, after a year dealing with a multi-billion dollar trading loss, credit rating downgrades, increased regulations and a slow market for deals, even Dimon appears to be paring back his vision. JPMorgan's headcount rose by 20,000 in 2011 to just over 260,000, as others were shrinking.

????Now, even Wall Street's best performing bank can't avoid the pressure to slim down. In the past year or so, as banking profits have sagged with low interest rates and, at least until recently, few deals, there has been a race among Wall Street CEOs to prove their bank can be the most efficient.

????In December, Citigroup (C) announced it would lay off 11,000 employees. In doing so, the bank touted that its so-called efficiency ratio would be among the lowest of the big banks. Goldman Sachs (GS) is also reportedly planning a new round of layoffs. Last year, Goldman executives talked about their desire to be Wall Street's low cost provider. Not exactly Master of the Universe talk.

????Even with the job cuts, JPMorgan will still be plenty big. The firm's head count fell modestly in 2012 to 258,000 employees. That up from just over 180,000 five years ago.

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