


Michael Fitzpatrick 2013-03-07

????東京市政府已經(jīng)和北京市政府在廢物及廢水處理領(lǐng)域進行技術(shù)交換。東京是世界上規(guī)模最大的城市,建有全球技術(shù)最先進的污水處理和循環(huán)利用系統(tǒng)之一。借助這樣的技術(shù),東京在聯(lián)合國(United Nations)清潔城市榜上的排名從末尾一躍進入了領(lǐng)先者的行列。





????Tokyo and Beijing city governments already cooperate through a technical exchange in waste and water management. Tokyo, the biggest city in the world, already has one of the most technologically advanced sewage and recycling systems anywhere. Such technology helped pull Tokyo out of the bottom of a United Nations list for clean cities to a place near the top.

????Japan's second city, Osaka, meanwhile wants to offer up its floating, solar-powered water purifiers that can each clean 2,400 liters per day in its sullied canal system.

????Although Japan's recent environmental record is not without blemish, the country's technocrats are bullish that it can interest China in other green technologies such as its recently developed smart cities that help promote sustainable planning and development. Even Kawasaki, the "dirty old town" product of Japan's spectacular, but unregulated industrial growth, now boasts an annual Eco Fair which promotes its homegrown environmental technologies to the world and is now host to Japan's largest solar power plant.

????Changes in China may not come so easily. The Japanese green tech industry may have official China on its side, but state-owned corporations and local vested interests could prove less tractable than industrial Japan of the '80s. After a long fight, Japanese industry eventually buckled under Japan's clean air acts enacted in the '70s, despite the costs, thanks to persistent social pressure. Persuading a dirty but profitable China to take up Japan's expensive new antipollution technologies may prove another task altogether.

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