


Doron Levin 2013-03-11

????2009年,豐田汽車公司(Toyota Motor)爆出了大規(guī)模召回和安全問題,結果聲譽一落千丈,業(yè)績遭受重挫?,F(xiàn)在,豐田創(chuàng)始家族的繼承人豐田章男身兼豐田公司總裁和首席執(zhí)行官的重任,決心改變豐田長期以來被孤立的狀態(tài)。


????改組內容包括任命馬克?霍根為豐田公司董事。馬克現(xiàn)年61歲,曾任通用汽車公司(General Motors)高管,是通用汽車前首席執(zhí)行官里克?瓦格納的親密戰(zhàn)友。在為通用和豐田的在美合資企業(yè)工作時,他認識了57歲的豐田章男。而該合資企業(yè)現(xiàn)已解體。


????種種跡象表明,豐田汽車正在卷土重來。去年它從通用汽車手中重新奪回了全球銷售冠軍的寶座。而通用是在2011年從豐田手中奪走這個王位的。單純從規(guī)模來說,豐田和通用正在受到來自大眾汽車集團(Volkswagen AG)的挑戰(zhàn),大眾汽車已設定了2018年成為全球第一的目標。








????After widespread vehicle recalls and safety concerns badly dented Toyota Motor Corp.'s reputation and finances in 2009, Akio Toyoda—president, chief executive and heir of the founding family—vowed to remedy the automaker's famed insularity.

????His goal: make Toyota more nimble and responsive. A management shakeup and reorganization announced this week in Tokyo is aimed at creating a wider variety of perspectives among senior executives beyond those of a typical engineer from Toyota's (TM) hometown of Nagoya.

????The changes include the appointment of Mark Hogan, 61, a former General Motors (GM) executive, as a Toyota director. Hogan, a confederate of onetime GM chief executive officer Rick Wagoner, knew Toyoda, 57, when the former worked for GM and Toyota's now disbanded U.S. joint venture.

????Jim Lentz, who was head of Toyota's U.S. sales subsidiary, was promoted to head of the North American region. In addition to Hogan, Toyota nominated two non-Toyota Japanese business executives as directors. The three are the first non-company individuals to serve on the automaker's 16-member board. "It was an ideal move by Akio to firmly establish his team," said Jim Press, a former Toyota executive and board member who now advises Nissan (NSANY) and Renault. "He has reinstituted leadership for the family in a much more business-like way."

????Toyota is showing signs that it's back. Last year it regained the global sales leadership from GM, which had lost it before winning it back from Toyota in 2011. In terms of pure size, Toyota and GM are being challenged by Volkswagen AG, which has set its goal to be No. 1 by 2018.

????In financial terms, Toyota's market capitalization dwarfs the rest of the industry at about $164 billion, compared to VW at just less than $100 billion. The market capitalization of GM and Ford (F) are each about half the size of VW's. Toyota's share price, which peaked at 5590 yen in June 2008, prior to the global financial crisis, dipped as low as 2413 Yen in November 2011 and now is trading around 4835 yen.

????Under its new management structure, the Japanese automaker will be divided into four organizations: mature markets including the U.S., Europe and Japan; emerging markets; parts and vehicle development and Lexus. Mark Templin, a U.S. executive, will run Lexus's worldwide business, most likely with the objective of bringing the division on a par globally with BMW, Mercedes and Audi. Templin will be the first U.S. executive to run a major Toyota business unit from Japan.

????Fujio Cho, 76, who had been chairman, will become honorary chairman, normally a prelude to retirement. Takeshi Uchiyamada, known as "father of the Prius," succeeds Cho.

????Yasumori Ihara, who will run emerging markets, will be responsible for reversing the disastrous sales decline in China, where consumers were boycotting Japanese-built cars due to diplomatic tensions over disputed islands.

????Akio Toyoda has survived a major test of his tenure as Toyota's chief executive. If anyone bet that a family member mightn't have the right stuff to reverse the company's decline, they've been thoroughly contradicted.

????The next steps will be interesting as well, because Toyota probably must keep adapting to a global transportation grid whose pace of change is accelerating. Alternative fuels and autonomous vehicles, along with predatory competitors, will loom large on the CEO's radar screen.

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