


Jennifer Abbasi 2013-03-15





隨著西北航道和北極的開放,一些船只將有望避開俄羅斯的專屬經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)(Exclusive Economic Zone):俄羅斯向通過這一區(qū)域的船只征收高昂的強(qiáng)制性護(hù)送費(fèi)。史密斯說,盡管航行于監(jiān)管不那么嚴(yán)苛的國際水域可降低成本,但它也會(huì)導(dǎo)致環(huán)境和安全問題?!扒闆r既讓人興奮,又令人擔(dān)憂,”他說?!氨睒O一直是一個(gè)非常危險(xiǎn)的地方,未來也不會(huì)改變。到了冬天,冰層始終會(huì)再次出現(xiàn)。北極黑暗且遙遠(yuǎn)。我們現(xiàn)在只能預(yù)言,在未來幾年中,北方國家將不得不應(yīng)對(duì)更多的巡邏、搜索、救援和安全問題?!保ㄘ?cái)富中文網(wǎng))


????Smith thinks that unreinforced open-water ships could become far more common in the Arctic by mid-century. "These places capture the imagination," he says. "Many intrepid explorers died seeking clear passage through both the Northwest Passage and the Northern Sea Route in the late nineteenth century while looking for the shortest route between Europe and the Orient, as it was known then. Temptation will grow for ordinary vessels to enter these waters."

????Although the NWP is the shortest route from northeastern North America to Asia, it will likely never be used for major shipping on trans-Arctic voyages, says Brigham, who is a former icebreaker captain. But, "there will be many future voyages of ships in and out of the Canadian Arctic, likely bulk carriers carrying iron ore to Europe from Baffin Island."

????"The driver of most Arctic shipping today and in the future is Arctic natural resource developments -- the linkages of Arctic natural resources to global markets," Brigham adds. "Sea ice retreats as observed in the Arctic provide for longer navigation seasons and marine access, but global commodities prices and economics drive the essence of Arctic shipping in the future."

????As the Northwest Passage and the North Pole open up, some ships will be able to avoid Russia's Exclusive Economic Zone; Russia charges steep fees for mandatory escorts through this zone. Although navigating through less-regulated international waters could cut costs, Smith says environmental and safety issues will emerge. "It's both exciting and worrisome," he says. "The Arctic is a dangerous place and always will be. The ice will always return in winter. It's dark. It's remote. Let's just say the northern countries are going to have some patrolling, search-and-rescue, and security issues on their hands in the coming years."

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