


Shelley DuBois 2013-03-19
Crave的Ti Chang

????大多數(shù)人都不愿意將自己的職業(yè)與曾經(jīng)的成人用品商店經(jīng)歷聯(lián)系起來(lái)。但設(shè)計(jì)師張迪(Ti Chang,音譯)認(rèn)為,成人玩具不應(yīng)被視為禁忌。

????現(xiàn)年33歲的張迪擁有美國(guó)佐治亞理工學(xué)院(Georgia Institute of Technology)的工業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)學(xué)位以及倫敦皇家藝術(shù)學(xué)院(Royal College of Art)的設(shè)計(jì)碩士學(xué)位。研究生畢業(yè)后,她開始為大公司設(shè)計(jì)產(chǎn)品,但沒(méi)有成就感。2008年全球經(jīng)濟(jì)大幅震蕩,她聽從自己內(nèi)心的召喚,矢志將高端設(shè)計(jì)帶入成人用品行業(yè)。張迪創(chuàng)立了一家名為Incoqnito的公司。有一次她在貿(mào)易展覽會(huì)上拓展客戶時(shí),遇到了創(chuàng)業(yè)家邁克?托波拉維克。兩人在產(chǎn)品設(shè)計(jì)理念上一拍即合,于是在2011年正式成立了Crave公司。


????日前,張迪接受了《財(cái)富》雜志(Fortune )訪問(wèn),討論如何給一個(gè)總是遮遮掩掩的行業(yè)帶來(lái)高質(zhì)量的設(shè)計(jì)。下面是經(jīng)過(guò)編輯的采訪實(shí)錄。











??????It's safe to say, most people don't want their careers linked to whatever experiences they may have had in a sex shop. But designer Ti Chang doesn't see why sex toys should be considered so taboo.

??? Chang, 33, received an industrial design degree from Georgia Institute of Technology and a graduate degree in design from the Royal College of Art in London. After finishing grad school, she began to design products for big companies, but didn't feel fulfilled. In 2008, when the world economy turned upside down, she pursued an idea she'd had in the back of her head: bringing high-end design to sex shop products. Chang started a company called Incoqnito, and was networking at a trade show when she met entrepreneur Michael Topolovac. They realized their ideas about product design lined up. In 2011, the pair officially launched Crave.

????Their first product, a half-USB, half-vibrator called the Duet, is the first crowdfunded sex toy ever. Last September, Chang realized she was on to something when over 900 donors gave Crave more than $100,000 to build the Duet -- it was 694% of the founders' original goal.

????Ti Chang spoke with Fortune about how to bring quality design to a stigmatized industry. An edited transcript is below.

????Fortune: When did you realize that you could bring your design background to something like sex toys?

????Ti Chang: I remember going into a sex shop in Boston. I looked around and said, "You've got to be joking." That's when it dawned on me that, while we have beautifully designed iPhones and laptops, the sex toy space is so heavily stigmatized that it doesn't draw a lot of talent.

????So I started a company called Incoqnito -- I wanted to expand the definition of what sex toys were beyond traditional vibrators. I created this concept of foreplay jewelry that you can wear outside of the bedroom and also has a sexual function, but it's very discreet.

????How did you come up with that idea?

????I was people watching in New York, and I saw this woman wearing a vibrator like a necklace.


????Yeah. It wasn't a Rabbit or anything nuts like that, it was super sleek and stainless steel, and was probably four inches long and smaller in diameter than a dime.

????I remember thinking, "Yeah, why the fuck not?" She was an elegant woman. She carried herself very well, and I completely admired the fact that it was so nonchalant. I think it would be great if one day our culture could get that way about sexuality for women.

????What are some common misconceptions about designing specifically for women?

????Making everything pink. That would be a big misconception. At the same time, there are a lot of women who like pink, but the problem is knowing your audience and knowing what type of pink to choose and what other colors they like, and giving women real options that are designed for their lifestyle.

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