


Shelley DuBois 2013-03-21

????2011年,波音公司(Boeing)高級(jí)副總裁雷?康納與印尼航空公司獅子航空(Lion Air)CEO拉斯蒂?基拉那在巴厘島簽署了一份協(xié)議,美國(guó)總統(tǒng)奧巴馬親自參加了簽約儀式。這份協(xié)議給這家美國(guó)飛機(jī)制造商帶來(lái)了約220億美元的生意。獅子航空是急速發(fā)展的東南亞市場(chǎng)一家低成本航空公司,一直都是波音的客戶。



????對(duì)波音來(lái)說(shuō),最糟糕的情況是:夢(mèng)想號(hào)飛機(jī)的電池故障讓它的信譽(yù)受損,蒂爾集團(tuán)(Teal Group)副總裁理查德?阿波拉弗亞說(shuō)道。但他又補(bǔ)充道,這種可能性極小。所有新機(jī)型在推出的時(shí)候都會(huì)存在問(wèn)題,而最終通常都會(huì)得到分析師和消費(fèi)者的諒解。此外,波音公司的業(yè)務(wù)非常龐大,市場(chǎng)價(jià)值約為650億美元。而且,全球僅有兩家公司有能力供應(yīng)100座以上的飛機(jī),波音公司便是其一,另外一家則是空中客車。








????In 2011, President Obama watched Boeing's senior vice president Ray Conner pen a deal in Bali with Rusdi Kirana, CEO of Indonesian airline Lion Air. The deal secured almost $22 billion worth of business to the American airplane manufacturer. Lion Air, a low-cost carrier for the booming Southeast Asian market, had always done business with Boeing.

????This Monday, the same scene took place, only with different players. Kirana was still there, but this time, he was signing a deal with Boeing rival Airbus' CEO Fabrice Bregier, while French President Francois Hollande, not Obama, looked on.

????Low-cost carriers don't typically switch business allegiances like this, says Morningstar analyst Neal Dihora, because it is expensive to maintain and fly two different types of planes. So why would Lion Air make the switch? And what does it mean for Boeing?

????Worst case for Boeing (BA): The Dreamliner's battery woes have hurt its reputation, says Richard Aboulafia, vice president of consulting firm Teal Group. But, he adds, that scenario is also the least likely. All new plane launches have problems that analysts and eventually customers usually forgive. Besides, Boeing's business is big, with a market cap of about $65 billion. It is also one of two companies, the other being Airbus, that can supply anyone looking to buy planes that seat more than 100 people.

????Boeing has had a big year. This January, it bested Airbus on total number of planes delivered for 2012. The company also delivered a record-breaking 601 planes while Airbus, close behind, delivered 588.

????And yet, the bulk of the companies' business is in undelivered aircraft. Both companies delivered about 600 planes, but each has a backlog of more than 4,000 that isn't going anywhere soon. Part of that is because Boeing and Airbus use subcontractors to build most pieces of their planes – often the same subcontractors, in fact. So, no matter how many planes airlines and other customers order, these suppliers can only produce so many plane pieces at any given time.

????Because of such backlogs, small, growing companies like Lion Air that are looking to diversify their fleets often have a tough time procuring planes.

????One way to expedite the process, suggests Dihora, is to sign big splashy deals such as the $22 billion one in 2011 and the $24 billion one this week. The recent deal with Airbus, at its most innocent, is merely an example of Lion Air ordering from both Boeing and Airbus because one couldn't handle the demand by itself. Another possibility, suggests Aboulafia, is that the little company is pitting the two air titans against each other.

????Airbus and Boeing are waging a brutal price war to access emerging markets and to roll out new aircraft. So their customers can take advantage, says Aboulafia: "I think there's this realization that they should strike while the iron is hot and get that upfront pricing."

????Speed is of the essence, in this case. Lion Air's Kirana is looking to give Malaysian-based rival AirAsia a run for its money, and he needs to get more planes fast, which probably trumps any obligation to order exclusively from Boeing.

????Lion Air could set an example to others if this model works. If the airline got a good enough deal from Airbus to outweigh the higher maintenance and training costs, other companies might also diversify their fleets, deepening the Boeing-Airbus rivalry.

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