


Doron Levin 2013-03-25


????他的解決辦法是什么?帶有味道的粉末,裝在信用卡大小的防水包裝袋里。這些粉末的味道類似于Pixy Stix糖果棒。要生產(chǎn)出阿司匹林、碳酸鈣(用于胃部不適)等普通成藥的水果味粉末“并不容易”,艾森伯格道?!拔覀兊乃幤凡皇翘枪?。很難通過微膠囊技術(shù)掩蓋藥品的味道?!?/p>


????艾森伯格擁有范德堡大學(xué)(Vanderbilt University)的工程學(xué)與數(shù)學(xué)雙學(xué)位,最初是一位投資銀行家,后來開始為著名發(fā)明家、專利持有人莫里斯?堪巴工作。堪巴曾發(fā)明過藍(lán)天伏特加(Skyy Vodka)和其他知名產(chǎn)品。艾森伯格說:“我一直以為自己想成為一名風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資人。后來我意識(shí)到,創(chuàng)業(yè)精神才是一種稀缺貨,這才是我應(yīng)該追求的東西。”

????他在融資過程中通過熟人介紹認(rèn)識(shí)了洛杉磯企業(yè)家及投資家蘭德爾?卡普蘭??ㄆ仗m是阿卡邁技術(shù)公司(Akamai Technologies)的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人。




????UrgentRx正在學(xué)習(xí)醫(yī)學(xué)用品和咖啡因產(chǎn)品的創(chuàng)新交付系統(tǒng),例如維他命水(Vitamin Water)和5小時(shí)能量飲料(5-Hour Energy Drink)等。投資者們希望這種小藥包能夠像上世紀(jì)40年代的Alka Seltzer消食片一樣,成為家庭藥箱中的必需品。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))


????Jordan Eisenberg, 31, was carrying a Benadryl around in his wallet back in 2009 when it dawned on him that he should find a better way to ensure his own safety in case of an allergy attack. He's violently allergic to carrots, peanuts and many other fresh fruits and vegetables. "It's unsanitary, the pills fall out and they disintegrate," says Eisenberg, the chief executive officer of UrgentRx, his Denver, Colorado-based startup. His father and friends also carried aspirin in their wallets in the event of a heart attack.

????His solution? Flavored powder in a credit card-sized, moisture-proof envelope. The powder comes close to emulating the taste of candy products like Pixy Stix. Creating a fruit-flavored powder that could deliver common over-the-counter medicines such as aspirin, calcium carbonate (for upset stomach) and diphenyldramine HCl (for allergy attacks) "wasn't easy," Eisenberg said. "Our drugs aren't candy, it's really hard to mask the taste of medicine through micro-encapsulation."

????Following its launch in January, UrgentRx powders have been sold in 3,000 stores nationwide. The goal is to get them into 25,000 stores, including such major chains as CVS (CVS). Each packet sells for a suggested retail price of $1.39.

????Eisenberg, a double major in engineering and mathematics from Vanderbilt University, originally worked as an investment banker before taking a job with the noted inventor and patent-holder, Maurice Kanbar. Kanbar created Skyy Vodka and other well-known products. "I always thought I wanted to be a venture capitalist," says Eisenberg. "I came to understand that entrepreneurship is a rare commodity, it's what I was meant to do."

????In the process of trying to raise investment capital, a mutual acquaintance introduced him to Randall Kaplan, a Los Angeles-based entrepreneur and investor who was a co-founder of Akamai Technologies (AKAM).

????UrgentRx, with $5 million in funding, two years ago had a limited rollout to pharmacy chains and other retailers that sell remedies. "We made packaging and other changes," Eisenberg said. "The feedback was incredibly important." The company, which has eight employees, has just hired two vice presidents, one for sales and one for marketing.

????Eisenberg's hook is the claim that the company's powdered aspirin, which it says acts faster than pills, has saved at least ten lives of people who swallowed UrgentRx when they were having a heart attack. Another plus, he says, is that the product is ideal for the estimated 6% of the population that is unable or has difficulty swallowing pills.

????After investing in UrgentRx and becoming the company's chairman, Kaplan is helping to raise another $2.5 million, which will be used in part to finance the marketing of the powders to more retailers. New investors include Sam Zell, the Chicago financier, actress Hillary Swank and Herb Simon, the shopping mall magnate.

????UrgentRx follows on the heels of innovative delivery systems for medicinal products and caffeine, such as Vitamin Water and 5-Hour Energy Drink. The investors are hoping the packets will become a staple of home medicine cabinets—much like Alka Seltzer in the 1940s.

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