


Cyrus Sanati 2013-03-25



????實(shí)際上,老百姓對這種手表似乎也是這種看法。你最近一次看到有人玩智能手表是什么時候?很可能從來就沒看到過。而這并不是因?yàn)樯倒现悄苁直硎鞘裁葱迈r事物。SPOT壽終正寢后,微軟的許多前合作伙伴,如手表制造商Fossil,就試著生產(chǎn)與索愛(Sony Ericsson)和Abacus這類品牌的智能手機(jī)相配的手表。這些表都非常時尚,不像它們的前輩們那么難看,主要是因?yàn)樗鼈兛雌饋硐袷莻鹘y(tǒng)的指針盤手表。使它們“智能”起來的是手表底部安裝的一個電子板帶,它能在迷你屏幕上顯示來電和短信通知,還能發(fā)出振動提醒。


????今年的拉斯維加斯消費(fèi)電子展(Consumer Electronics Show)上,有多款其他品牌的智能手表出售,其中搶眼的有:簡單的CooKoo,昂貴的i'm Watch,復(fù)古的Martian,運(yùn)動型的WearIT和優(yōu)雅的Leikr。你可能會覺得奇怪,怎么會突然冒出來這么多這類產(chǎn)品?這是因?yàn)槭直硎莻€極其個人化的物品。盡管智能手表因?yàn)樽陨淼木窒扌裕袌隹赡芤恢焙苄?,但消費(fèi)者還是想有多種選擇以反映自己的生活方式(時髦的、運(yùn)動的或是復(fù)古的)以及時尚品味(比如書卷氣的嬉皮士,或是超級書呆子)。

????智能手表可能真正能有發(fā)展前途的地方是健身領(lǐng)域。目前健身手表市場絕大部分都被幾大巨頭品牌掌控,如佳明(Garmin)和天美時(Timex)。但這兩大品牌都還沒有生產(chǎn)專用的智能手表,所以對強(qiáng)有力的后來者而言,市場空間依然存在。對這類手表來說,時尚和設(shè)計感不如功能重要,所以人們不會認(rèn)為你手上戴了個笨重的小屏幕,就認(rèn)為你是個怪人。摩托羅拉(Motorola)推出的MotoActv就是主打健身的智能手表,它可能會很受運(yùn)動迷的追捧。但是這些周末健身人士第二天上班會不會還戴著這款手表就不好說了。耐克公司(Nike)的Fuelband運(yùn)動跟蹤器和手表則是另一個似乎有大賣跡象的例子。部分原因在于,它戴在手上非常不顯眼(請注意,大家談得很多的Jawbone UP根本就不是手表)。



????Today's smartwatches are mere dummies compared to the SPOT watch as they depend on smartphones to feed it data, as opposed to FM broadcasts or a third-party source. So that means you’r supposed smartwatch would be pretty dumb without a smartphone in close proximity. There is little utility in wearing a clunky "watch" whose main purpose is to deliver messages that you can see by reaching in your pocket and looking at your phone. Trying to do anything remotely useful on the watch, like, say, sending a text message, is pretty much impossible, or at the very least, really annoying if done through text-to-speech software. Controlling your music remotely seems handy, but you can already do that with any decent pair of headphones these days. Squinting and fumbling with a screen that is at its maximum two inches by two inches is both limiting and distracting. Imagine having to remember to juice up your watch in addition to your phone, tablet and laptop. It all seems so unnecessary.

????Indeed, it appears that the general public thinks so as well. When was the last time you saw a person sporting a smartwatch? Chances are you haven't. And it is not because the dummy smartwatch is something new. After the demise of SPOT, many of Microsoft's former partners, like watchmaker Fossil, attempted to make watches that paired with smartphones under the Sony Ericsson (SNE) and Abacus brands. The watches were actually quite stylish and weren't as ugly as their predecessors, mainly because they looked like normal analogue watches. What made them "smart" was an electronic strip at the bottom that displayed data in a ticker-tape fashion.

????Recently, a whole new generation of smartwatches has hit the market, some with pretty good (but still practically useless) links to devices running Google's (GOOG) Android and Apple's iOS operating systems. The InPulse smartwatch by Allerta hit the scene a couple years ago targeting Blackberry (RIMM) users, which, I guess, seemed like a good idea at the time. The founders later went on to social begging site Kickstarter to fund a new watch, Pebble, which connects to both Android and iOS devices. The Pebble, which is big and comes in an array of colors, goes for $150 and just started shipping (to mixed reviews). Fossil continued to beat its head against the wall, this time under the moniker MetaWatch, which are an array of Bluetooth-connected watches for Android. Sony, which dropped the Ericsson name last year, came out with a couple of sleek watches in 2012 (that pretty much look the same), the LiveView, and cleverly named Smartwatch. Both are made for Android phones and are pretty cheap – the LiveView goes for under $25 on Amazon (AMZN).

????At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this year there were a number of other smartwatches up for grabs, notably: the simple Cookoo, the pricy i'm Watch, the retro Martian, the sporty WearIT and the elegant Leikr. You might be wondering why there are so many of these things? Well, that's because the watch is an extremely personal item. While the market for smartwatches will probably remain quite small given its limitations, consumers still want an array of choice to reflect their lifestyle (trendy vs sporty vs classic) as well as their fashion sense (nerdy hipster vs nerdy nerd, for example).

????The one place where smartwatches may have a future is in the fitness space. The market for fitness watches is pretty much locked up by a few big names at the moment including Garmin (GRMN) and Timex. Neither has made a dedicated smartwatch, yet, so there is an opening for a strong alternative. Fashion and design here take a backseat to function, so people won't think you are weird for having a chunky screen on your wrist. Motorola MotoActv is a fitness centric smartwatch and could become very popular with hard-core athletes, but it is doubtful if those weekend warriors will wear their smartwatch when they go to work the next day. Nike's (NKE)Fuelband motion tracker and watch is another example that has seemed to take off, in part because it is so inconspicuous on the wrist. (Note that the much-talked-about Jawbone UP is not a watch at all...)

????This fashion and lifestyle issue is a big problem for both Apple and Samsung. Knowing how Apple works, if it does launch an "iWatch," it will probably be just one watch that comes in a variety of colors. The unimaginative Samsung will most likely just copy whatever Apple does to the letter. That means that both products, which will probably have the same features as all those watches mentioned above, will appeal to a narrow subset of consumers who really dig its design and who believe it will fit their style. Both are tall orders–something that even the mighty Apple, will have a hard time trying to deliver.

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