


Barb Darrow 2013-03-28






????移動后端即服務(wù)(Mobile-Backend-as-a-Service)供應(yīng)商Kii公司平臺營銷高級副總裁米克?松樹表示,這則招聘廣告說到的是客戶端應(yīng)用開發(fā),而不是軟件開發(fā)工具包,因此不會同Kii的產(chǎn)品形成直接競爭。但也有可能亞馬遜網(wǎng)絡(luò)服務(wù)將打造自己的視頻管理服務(wù),GigaOM Pro分析師簡納基蘭姆?MSV數(shù)周前就在一篇博文(需訂閱才能閱讀)中提出了這一假設(shè)。據(jù)MSV稱:


????通用型平臺即服務(wù)(PaaSes)忽略了移動細分市場,而Kinvey、Parse、Stackmob以及Kii等新創(chuàng)企業(yè)迅速填補了這個空白?,F(xiàn)在,規(guī)模較大的平臺即服務(wù)公司正在增加更多的移動性能,去年夏天微軟(Microsoft)為Windows Azure添加移動服務(wù)即是一例。移動后端即服務(wù)的支持者稱這些努力缺乏力度,而且為時已晚,但很多人認為這將引發(fā)移動子市場劇烈動蕩。

????位于馬薩諸塞州坎布里奇的Kinvey公司首席執(zhí)行官斯拉維希?斯瑞達在看過該招聘廣告后表示,亞馬遜網(wǎng)絡(luò)服務(wù)部門招聘前端開發(fā)人員并不奇怪。但他補充說,科技網(wǎng)站GigaOM Pro關(guān)于亞馬遜網(wǎng)絡(luò)服務(wù)部門進軍移動后端服務(wù)的報道完全正確。斯瑞達指出:“如果亞馬遜網(wǎng)絡(luò)服務(wù)打算推出移動后端即服務(wù)產(chǎn)品,他們需要經(jīng)驗豐富的前端開發(fā)人員。因為要吸引后端人才,必須打造頂級的客戶端庫。對移動開發(fā)人員而言,客戶端庫就如同應(yīng)用程序界面?!?/p>

????斯瑞達還表示,亞馬遜肯定應(yīng)增加移動后端服務(wù),因為他看到移動“正推動亞馬遜采用云技術(shù)。亞馬遜網(wǎng)絡(luò)服務(wù)部門很可能也看到了這點,并意識到自己需要完善移動云產(chǎn)品,以使‘企業(yè)移動載荷’( 改述Vmware的術(shù)語)在亞馬遜網(wǎng)絡(luò)服務(wù)上順暢運行。”



????Hold the phone! Amazon Web Services is launching a mobile applications initiative. According to a company job post, AWS seeks a software development engineer for a new iOS/Android AWS initiative to be based in Palo Alto, Calif.

????The ideal candidate will have built a “top 25 app” and want to build a “brand new service from the ground floor”, according to the job post.

????It continued:

????“In this role, you will be responsible for creating and owning world-class production tablet and web client applications across major platforms including iOS and Android . You must be willing to insist on the highest standards for quality, maintainability, and performance. You will ensure that engineering best practices are followed and that software is designed to be responsive, reliable and maintainable.”

????TechCrunch first reported the news Sunday night.

????Developers typically access AWS from their PCs, but smartphones and tablets are quickly supplanting laptops and PCs as devices of choice for more workers, so it would make sense for AWS to turn more attention to those form factors. And, the company added Android and iOS support to the AWS management console so users can keep an eye on their services from their device of choice.

????Miko Matsumura, SVP of platform marketing for Kii, a Mobile-Backend-as-a-Service (MBaaS) provider, said this post talks about client app development rather than a software development kit so would not be directly competitive with what Kii does. But it is also possible that AWS will build its own MVaaS — something that GigaOM Pro analyst Janakiram MSV posited in a post (subscription required) a few weeks ago. According to MSV:

????“AWS has all the required building blocks to expose mobile backend services. Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon RDS already form the backbone of many mobile applications today. The AWS SDK for Android and iOS makes it easy for developers to consume these services.”

????General purpose Platforms as a Service (PaaSes) neglected this mobile segment — so startups like Kinvey, Parse, Stackmob, and Kii rushed to fill the void. Now, the bigger PaaS players are adding more mobile capabilities — witness Microsoft’s addition of mobile services to Windows Azure last summer. MBaaS partisans claim it’s too little too late, but others predict a shakeout in this segment.

????Sravish Sridhar, CEO of Cambridge, Mass.-based Kinvey, who looked at the ad, said the fact that AWS is looking for front-end developers is not a huge surprise but added that the GigaOM Pro report about AWS moving into mobile backend services was spot on. “If AWS is looking to launch a Backend as a Service offering, they need seasoned front-end developers because, you need to build world-class client-side libraries to abstract the backend stack. For mobile developers, the client-side library is the new API,” he noted.

????He also said that it’s a no-brainer for Amazon to add more mobile backend services this since he sees mobile “driving the adoption of cloud in the enterprise. It’s likely that AWS has seen this as well and has realized that it needs to improve its mobile cloud offering to get ‘corporate mobile payloads’ (to paraphrase VMware’s term) to run on AWS.”

????I will update this story if and when Amazon responds to requests for comment.

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