????迪普雷特和布赫曼認為,學校亟需改善兩方面的工作。首先,“對男孩成就最重要的一個預測指標是,校園文化對他們的成就抱有多大的期望,能夠對他們的努力給予多大的獎賞,”他們寫道?!拔覀兿M麑W校能夠對每個學生都寄予厚望,把他們當作一個活生生的個體,而不是以性別確定他們該怎么樣,不該怎么樣?!?/p> ????其次,作者寫道,他們的研究顯示,“與女生相比,男生似乎不太明白,未來能否成功地完成大學學業(yè),能否找到好工作,與他們在中學階段的努力程度直接相關?!彼麄兟暦Q,唯有讓男孩們明確這種聯(lián)系,縮小高等教育的性別差異這一任重而道遠的目標才有望實現(xiàn)。(財富中文網) ????譯者:任文科 |
????DiPrete and Buchmann believe schools need to do better in two main areas. First, "the most important predictor of boys' achievement is the extent to which the school culture expects and rewards academic effort," they write. "We need schools that set high expectations [and] treat each student as an individual, as opposed to a gender stereotype." ????Second, the authors write, their research shows that "boys have less understanding than girls about how their future success in college and work is directly linked to their academic effort in middle school and high school." Making that connection clear, they argue, could go a long way toward closing the gender gap in higher education. |