


Stephen Gandel 2013-04-01

????那么高盛公司在金融危機(jī)最為肆虐的時(shí)候到底陷入了多大的麻煩呢:這個(gè)麻煩價(jià)值24億美元。因?yàn)榧偃绠?dāng)初巴菲特是從公開市場(chǎng)買入同等市值普通股的話,減去巴菲特的收益,高盛公司可省下24億美元。在美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)(Federal Reserve)最近一次壓力測(cè)試中,高盛排名靠后。因此,這筆資金可能是高盛現(xiàn)在最想要回來(lái)的。




????So how much trouble was Goldman in at the height of the financial crisis: $2.4 billion worth. That's how much extra the bank paid Buffett above what he would have earned if he had just bought the shares on the open market. Goldman recently came out toward the bottom of the Federal Reserve stress test, so that's probably capital it would like to have back now.

????In the end, Goldman gave a sweetheart deal to one of its best clients, and his shareholders, at the expense of its own. And it's not even clear why. Buffett's investment in Goldman was seen as a vote of confidence in the firm and U.S. banks in general at a time when the market needed it. It didn't work immediately. But I'm sure both Goldman and Buffett saw that as the real point of the deal. And since one of the biggest individual benefactors of a rising market is Buffett himself, it's not exactly clear why he would have needed such sweeteners.

????It could be that despite the Cherry Coke and down-home charm, Buffett drives a hard bargain. Or could be that in late September 2008, things were turning ugly at Goldman, and both the firm's executives and Buffett knew it. You can make your own pick. But I would probably go with the latter.

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