


吉奧夫?科爾文 2013-04-03





????比如我們的癌癥藥物依維莫斯(Afinitor)。它是一種雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mTOR,人類細(xì)胞中的一種蛋白質(zhì))抑制劑,mTOR的分子途徑與多種疾病有關(guān)。我們一開始研發(fā)依維莫斯是為了治療腎細(xì)胞癌,然后我們開始在許多其它癌癥上測(cè)試依維莫斯的效果。我們最近剛剛證實(shí),乳腺癌 也與mTOR的分子途徑有關(guān),而這將對(duì)每年22萬(wàn)名晚期乳腺癌患者提供幫助。這就是一個(gè)例子,最初用于治療腎細(xì)胞癌的藥物,最終也能治療乳腺癌。綜合效應(yīng)使它成為了一個(gè)重磅藥物。








????Yes, we took a different approach. Starting about 10 years ago, we started what's called the pathways approach, where we understand the molecular pathway of a particular disease, usually in a rare disease where you have a very homogeneous patient population.

????But maybe a very small population.

????A small population, but a very homogeneous patient population that allows us to study the disease and the molecular pathway that leads to that disease. We then develop a drug that can interrupt that pathway, and then we look to mechanistically expand into other disease areas that are impacted by the same pathway. So essentially it doesn't mean that blockbusters will go away, but the definition of a blockbuster will change pretty dramatically away from having one disease area to a drug that maybe is active in three or four or even five diseases.

????What's an example?

????An example is our oncology drug called Afinitor, which is an mTOR [a type of protein in human cells] inhibitor. The mTOR pathway is implicated in many different types of diseases. So we initially developed Afinitor in renal cell cancer, and then we started testing Afinitor in many other cancers. Breast cancer is another indication that we just received approval for, and that's now going to help more than 220,000 patients every year who have advanced breast cancer. So here's an example of a drug that started in renal cell cancer, has expanded into breast cancer, and then there are a number of other indications. That together will make it a blockbuster.

????R&D is a huge investment for Novartis, as it is for your competitors. How do you get more than the other guys from a dollar of R&D?

????A good question -- everybody's trying to increase productivity in research and development. We've found a couple of things. First you have to find the right scientists. So we have built research centers where the scientists are. We have not asked them to come to a particular location. We've built research centers in the U.S., in Europe, and we're building one in Shanghai. So we're going where the talent is. That's No. 1.

????The second is keeping spending strong in research and development. At Novartis we've made the commitment to spend about 20% of sales on research and development. In our pharma business, that's over $9 billion a year that we invest. So if you have the right talent and the right amount of spending, we find that that's the first part of success.

????Then you have to have the right approach, and I think that's the pathways approach, taking a different look at how we're going to discover and develop drugs.

????Where are the geographic areas of growth for you outside the U.S. and Western Europe?

????We have a very large and growing business in China, which has just become one of our top 10 markets. Last year it grew 24%. The Chinese government has made a massive commitment to improving health care among rural and urban Chinese, and so we see that as a continued growth area. Another area is Russia. Russia has a problem. It has a declining population. And the government in Russia has made the commitment to improve access to health care in ways that will reverse that population decline. There are many developing countries in which we're investing quite heavily as growth areas.

????In markets like that, isn't it a very different business? Those people are paying for their own medical care for the most part.

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