


JP Mangalindan 2013-04-08
Facebook發(fā)揮在社交上的優(yōu)勢,推出了一個專門面向智能手機的軟件包Facebook Home,提升智能手機用戶的社交體驗。但是,這個軟件包目前只能在安卓手機上運行。不過,既然蘋果現(xiàn)在正在準備iOS 7,何不向Facebook Home借鑒一二?
Facebook Home將于4月12日提供下載,僅限有限型號的Android手機。HTC First將預裝該系統(tǒng)。

????Facebook手機既不是手機也不是操作系統(tǒng)。扎克伯格帶來的是一整套可供下載的應用程序包。它將于4月12號正式發(fā)布,最初只支持少數(shù)幾個型號的Android手機。售價99美元的宏達電(HTC)First有幸成為第一部Facebook手機,它將預裝這個名為Home的軟件包。Home系統(tǒng)不會替換Android,它只會對Android進行適當修改。例如:更改手機的鎖屏界面和主界面,以便用戶能更便捷地查看Facebook更新和通知;增加了一套名為“Chat heads”的通信機制,將Facebook消息和手機短信整合到一起。


????當然,重塑人們的交流方式正是社交網(wǎng)絡的本分。無論Facebook Home的結(jié)局如何,是成為10億多Facebook用戶心所向往的神器,還是另一個悲劇的試驗品,我們不可否認的是,扎克伯格的Home將智能手機上的社交網(wǎng)絡帶到了前所未有的高度。

????即便蘋果(Apple)這樣如此偉大的公司也不曾做到這一點。Daring Fireball是一家專注蘋果新聞的科技博客,博主約翰?格魯伯撰文指出,蘋果最新的iOS 7系統(tǒng)已經(jīng)落后進度了,新系統(tǒng)將全面徹底地更新用戶界面。雖然伊夫(蘋果靈魂人物,首席設計師——譯注)對此胸有成竹,但為了以防萬一,蘋果還是應該從Facebook這里學點什么。以下是4條經(jīng)驗之談:

????不要強行把桌面平臺和移動平臺合二為一。正像扎克伯格向《財富》所說的,F(xiàn)acebook沒有把桌面平臺的體驗一成不變的帶上移動平臺。這條策略看來奏效了,F(xiàn)acebook在智能手機和平板電腦領域持續(xù)擴張。(截止今年1月,每天有1.57億用戶通過移動設備訪問Facebook。)這點和蘋果截然不同,看看后者去年7月發(fā)布的Mac OS X系統(tǒng)“美洲獅”。它融入了許多之前只有iOS具備的功能,其中有些功能看上去渾然天成,另外一些則有畫蛇添足之嫌,例如為啟動面板(Launchpad)應用程序單開一屏。

????Now we know: The Facebook Phone is neither a phone, nor an operating system. Instead, Zuckerberg unveiled a downloadable collection of apps, available April 12, that will be supported on select Android phones to start, including the $99 HTC First, the first device to come pre-loaded with it. Home, as the whole kit of software is called, doesn't replace Android but modifies parts of the operating system like the phone's lock screen and home screen so users can more readily check Facebook updates and notifications, and communicate with other users by way of a new unified messaging feature combining Messenger and text called "Chat heads."

????"We wanted to start off trying to rethink some of those core things," CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in an interview with Fortune, talking about Android features. "How could these be better if, instead of the current system you have, they were people-centric in all the themes that Facebook stands for."

????Of course, rethinking the way people communicate is standard for the social network. And whether Facebook Home winds up in the hands of a significant number of Facebook's (FB) 1 billion-plus members, or becomes another failed experiment, there's no denying Zuck's app offers an unprecedented degree of social on the smartphone.

????That's something even a successful company like Apple (AAPL) has yet to manage. According to John Gruber, writer of the Apple-centric blog Daring Fireball, the company's latest version of its mobile software, iOS 7, is allegedly running behind schedule but will sport a systemwide overhaul of the its interface. Ive knows what he's doing. But just in case, here are five things Cupertino can learn from Facebook this week:

????Don't force the marriage of desktop and mobile. As Zuckerberg told Fortune, Facebook on mobile doesn't closely resemble the desktop experience -- a strategy that seems to be working as the social network continues to expand its footprint on smartphones and tablets. (Indeed, 157 million Facebook users checked the social network daily via mobile devices as of last January.) That's a different approach from Apple's, which as of the release of Mac OS X "Mountain Lion" last July, saw a serious infusion of features once found solely in iOS. Some of those features feel organic, but others, like a separate screen for apps called Launchpad, seem superfluous.

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