


Anne VanderMey 2013-04-17

????電梯游說(shuō)競(jìng)賽(Elevator Pitch Contest)是MBA創(chuàng)業(yè)計(jì)劃競(jìng)賽中的一項(xiàng)歷史悠久的傳統(tǒng)。而且,在維克森林大學(xué)(Wake Forest University),它甚至確實(shí)就是在一臺(tái)正在開(kāi)動(dòng)的電梯里舉行。

????萊斯大學(xué)創(chuàng)業(yè)計(jì)劃大賽(Rice Business Plan Competition)有自己的競(jìng)賽模式。前提假設(shè):你和巴菲特一起走進(jìn)電梯,在從1樓到33樓的時(shí)間里(60秒)去說(shuō)服他投資你的創(chuàng)業(yè)計(jì)劃。今年的創(chuàng)業(yè)大賽,42支參賽隊(duì)假設(shè)在休斯敦萊斯大學(xué)商學(xué)院的報(bào)告廳進(jìn)行一分鐘演講,460個(gè)座位座無(wú)虛席。評(píng)委將于周六給獲勝者頒獎(jiǎng),獲勝隊(duì)伍將可以贏得一千美元。但現(xiàn)在《財(cái)富》雜志(Fortune)選出了幾個(gè)自己屬意的隊(duì)伍。


????凱斯西儲(chǔ)大學(xué)(Case Western Reserve University)疾病診斷小組隊(duì):“如果我告訴你,只用冰箱磁鐵和一個(gè)激光指針,每年我們就可以挽救一百萬(wàn)人的生命,你怎么想?”



????“作為一名未來(lái)的內(nèi)科醫(yī)生,我很激動(dòng)的告訴大家布萊特錫得(BriteSeed)研究小組將如何拯救數(shù)以萬(wàn)計(jì)的生命,同時(shí)減少數(shù)十億美元的開(kāi)支浪費(fèi)?!薄绹?guó)西北大學(xué)(Northwestern University)布萊特錫得小組。這個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì)的成員演說(shuō)的時(shí)候都穿著手術(shù)服。



????“紐約地鐵的每年客流量有16億人次,而實(shí)際上手機(jī)信號(hào)無(wú)法覆蓋地鐵,廣告商和服務(wù)提供商每周損失上百萬(wàn)美元。”——南加州大學(xué)(EnKinta Energy)恩金塔能源(EnKinta Energy)隊(duì)。



????“女士們、先生們,我們的密碼已經(jīng)不管用了。”——哈佛大學(xué)(Harvard University)和斯洛伐克科希策技術(shù)大學(xué)(Technical University Kosice)的神劍(Excalibur)隊(duì)。






????The elevator pitch contest is a time-honored tradition of the MBA business plan competition. At Wake Forest University, it even takes place in an actual moving elevator.

????The Rice Business Plan Competition has its own take on the ritual. The premise: You walk into an elevator with Warren Buffett and you have 33 floors (60 seconds) to convince him to invest in your startup idea. This year at Rice, 42 teams delivered that hypothetical minute-long speech to a standing-room only crowd in the business school's 460-seat auditorium in Houston. The judges will dole out awards on Saturday, and the winning team will take home $1,000. But for now,Fortune picked a few its own champions.

Best MacGyver impression

????"What if I told you I could save one million lives every year with just refrigerator magnets and a laser pointer?" --Disease Diagnostic Group at Case Western Reserve University

????The team plans to use the magnetic charge of malaria parasites to develop a new, cheaper, way to detect the disease in developing countries.

Best dressed

????"As a future physician, I'm excited to share how BriteSeed can save tens of thousand of lives and billions in wasteful spending." --BriteSeed, Northwestern University, delivered while wearing scrubs

????Briteseed has developed a technology called SafeSnips, which will alert surgeons performing robotic procedures when they are about to cut a blood vessel at risk of uncontrolled bleeding.

Biggest potential to make money while ruining your morning commute

????"1.6 billion people ride the New York subway every year and virtually all of them are cut off from cell phone coverage, costing millions per week to advertisers and service providers." --EnKinta Energy, University of Southern California

????The team wants to use the kinetic energy created by moving trains to generate power and bring Wi-Fi and cell phone service to straphangers. That morning subway ride could get more profitable -- and louder.

Most terrifying

????"Ladies and gentlemen, passwords can't protect us anymore." --Excalibur, Harvard University and Technical University Kosice, Slovakia

????Excalibur's technology would effectively turn your cell phone into a secureID. They estimate that it takes $130 to hack a Facebook (FB) or Twitter account, $160 for a Gmail account, and $500 for a corporate mailbox.


????"Forget the lows, it's time to get high." --Kaffeination, University of Manchester, England

????Taking aim at the booming energy drink market, this team has already sold more than 5,000 bags of caffeine-infused gummy bears to students in the UK looking for a boost.

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