


JP Mangalindan 2013-04-18






????公平而言,他們兩個(gè)都有。十年來(lái),他們結(jié)了婚,生了兩個(gè)女兒。如今,凱文和茱莉亞經(jīng)營(yíng)著Eventbrite,在不同于票務(wù)巨頭Ticketmaster的領(lǐng)域成為了最大的票務(wù)服務(wù)公司。凱文擔(dān)任CEO;茱莉亞任總裁。在229位員工的幫助下,他們?cè)?79個(gè)國(guó)家已售出了1億張門票,包括“西南偏南音樂(lè)節(jié)”(South by Southwest)和“灣區(qū)馬拉松”(Bay Area marathons)活動(dòng)的門票。(Eventbrite從每張出售的門票上收取很少的費(fèi)用來(lái)賺取利潤(rùn)。)

????上個(gè)月,這家舊金山初創(chuàng)企業(yè)的票務(wù)銷售額突破了15億美元,而且銷售呈現(xiàn)加速:票務(wù)銷售總額的三分之一是在過(guò)去9個(gè)月實(shí)現(xiàn)的。據(jù)報(bào)道,像紅杉資本(Sequoia Capital)、老虎環(huán)球資本管理公司(Tiger Global Management)、Khosla Ventures合伙人凱斯?拉博伊斯和投資人羅恩?康威等支持者至今已合計(jì)投資8,000萬(wàn)美元。

????當(dāng)我們想到硅谷企業(yè)的成功故事時(shí),我們常常認(rèn)為它們是一夜成功,太多運(yùn)氣集于一身。這兩種說(shuō)法對(duì)于Eventbrite均不成立。這是凱文的第三家初創(chuàng)企業(yè);他的第一家企業(yè)是為連鎖酒店提供互聯(lián)網(wǎng)服務(wù)管理,成立10個(gè)月就被以1,000萬(wàn)美元收購(gòu)了。作為曾經(jīng)的天使投資者,他的投資成績(jī)可圈可點(diǎn),包括PayPal、Pinterest和Airbnb等。而茱莉亞在好萊塢磨練過(guò)幾年,曾經(jīng)管理像FX的《The Shield》和《Nip/Tuck》以及MTV的《Jackass》等節(jié)目。





????如今,哈茨夫婦想拓展Eventbrite的終端對(duì)終端服務(wù),并在全世界鋪開,這樣用戶就可以將其用于票務(wù)流程的各個(gè)步驟:從在手機(jī)或臺(tái)式電腦上發(fā)現(xiàn)活動(dòng),到參加他們選擇的活動(dòng)。去年,他們推出了“上門”(At the door)服務(wù)。這是一個(gè)信用卡讀卡器,可以將iPad轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)槠眲?wù)終端,為獨(dú)立的活動(dòng)推廣商提供了另一支付途徑。


????When Julia Steen parked in a church pew next to Kevin Hartz at a Santa Barbara wedding in 2003, Hartz decided he just had to talk to the fetching, young blonde.

????"She was a mature 23-year-old, and I was an immature 33-year-old," Kevin says dryly.

????"I was a hot mess," Julia disputes. "I didn't even have the thing I was supposed to be reading for the wedding."

????During the reception, he stole a tray of cocktails, and sauntered over to impress Julia, an MTV executive at the time, who was talking to her coworkers. "I remember thinking, 'This guy has cajones!'" she recalls.

????It's fair to say they both do. Ten years, one marriage in, and two daughters later, the Hartzs now run Eventbrite, the biggest ticketing company this side of Ticketmaster. Kevin serves as CEO; Julia as President. With the help of 229 employees, they have sold over 100 million tickets in 179 countries to events like South by Southwest after-parties and Bay Area marathons. (Eventbrite profits by charging a small fee for each ticket purchase.)

????Last month, the San Francisco startup crossed $1.5 billion in ticket sales, and sales are accelerating: One-third of its total ticket sales were processed over the last nine months alone. Backers like Sequoia Capital, Tiger Global Management, Khosla Ventures partner Keith Rabois, and Ron Conway have chipped in a reported $80 million to date.

????When we think of Silicon Valley successes, we often view them as an overnight phenomenon, the result of a lot of luck. Neither was the case for Eventbrite. For Kevin, it was his third startup; his first, an Internet service manager for hotel chains, got acquired for $10 million just 10 months after it launched. And as a former angel investor, his bets include some smart choices: PayPal, Pinterest, and Airbnb, to name a few. Meanwhile, Julia cut her teeth in Hollywood for several years, managing shows like FX's The Shield, Nip/Tuck, and yes, MTV's Jackass.

????So when Kevin dreamed up the idea that event ticketing could and should be done better online, it wasn't luck. Before Eventbrite, an easy, widely-accepted online ticketing solution for individuals and smaller organizations didn't exist. Tickemaster catered to the big names, not the startup that wanted to hold an office-warming or the mother who wanted to throw a baptism party. Eventbrite provides that.

????"It's a marketplace that truly democratizes event management and marketing, giving every organizer the tools to sell tickets and reach audiences that until recently were only available to the largest venues and organizations," explains Sean Moriarty, an Eventbrite board member and ex-Ticketmaster CEO.

????"Kevin has always consistently been ahead of his time, spotting things before they're cool," agrees Rabois. "Most of these people hosting long-term events needed a higher-quality product for ticketing for payments."

????Indeed, via daily emails to Rabois, Kevin convinced his friend to invest $50,000 in a little-known startup called Pinterest during its early days.

????Now, the Hartzs want to expand Eventbrite's end-to-end experience and do so internationally, such that users use it for every step of the ticketing process, from event discovery on their mobile devices and desktops, to getting through the door to the event of their choosing. Last year, they launched "At the door," a credit card reader that turns iPads into ticketing terminals, giving indie event promoters another way to take payments.

????Given Eventbrite's push, it seems inevitable the company, a veritable David, should take on its Goliath -- Ticketmaster -- but Kevin is in no rush. "People ask us all the time, 'Why aren't you going after them?' That's a very competitive, vicious ticketing space, and we'll get there in due time. But these markets are so much more ... attractive."

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