


Alex Taylor III 2013-04-22


????汽車廠商中,阿爾法?羅密歐(Alfa Romeo)讓我想起一位上了年紀(jì)的電影女明星。它曾有過一段輝煌的日子,由于這個(gè)難忘的名字和顯赫的過去,它還能受到許多關(guān)注。去年,這家意大利運(yùn)動(dòng)跑車制造商的全球銷量不足10萬(wàn)輛,不過它的一舉一動(dòng)——比如一再推遲重返美國(guó)市場(chǎng)的日期——都被大肆報(bào)道。最近的報(bào)道中,阿爾法正與奧迪(Audi)密切來(lái)往。盡管雙方對(duì)此都予以否認(rèn),人們還是嗅到了交易的味道。奧迪的母公司大眾汽車(Volkswagen)熱衷于收購(gòu)著名的汽車品牌,而阿爾法的所有者菲亞特(Fiat)急需現(xiàn)金。大眾汽車的老板馬丁?溫特科恩在今年三月的日內(nèi)瓦車展上曾經(jīng)被問到是否還對(duì)阿爾法?羅密歐感興趣,他簡(jiǎn)單地回答說:“阿爾法?羅密歐是一個(gè)偉大的品牌?!?/p>



Rust in peace

????Among car companies, Alfa Romeo reminds me of an aging movie actress. It has seen better days, but thanks to a memorable name and an illustrious past, it still gets plenty of attention. The Italian maker of sporting cars reported sales of less than 100,000 worldwide last year, but Alfa's every move -- such as its oft-delayed return to the U.S. market -- gets reported with feverish enthusiasm. In the latest Alfa drama, the automaker is reported to be talking intensively about a linkup with Audi. Despite denials from both sides, a deal makes some sense. Audi parent company Volkswagen is a compulsive acquirer of famous automotive names, and Fiat, Alfa's owner, needs the cash. Asked at the Geneva auto show in March whether VW was still interested in Alfa Romeo, boss Martin Winterkorn simply replied: "Alfa Romeo is a great brand."

????The 21st century has been tough on auto brands, both young and old. Toyota's Scion brand, launched in 2002, seems to be undergoing an identity crisis. Reuters reports executives are weighing repositioning it as a line of premium small cars. Meanwhile, Mercedes-Benz, which dates its history to the 19th century, finds its self-styled "the best or nothing" brand under assault from up-and-coming Audi.

????nt investment. That's particularly important in autos, where the opportunities to economize are ever-present -- and often fatal. For evidence, here are 10 once-familiar automotive brands that have become casualties since the turn of this century:



2012: Suzuki

????Suzuki has ranked in the top 10 of the world's automakers, but its image as a preeminent motorcycle maker never translated into small cars. It struggled for years with a skimpy product line and an under-developed dealer network. Since peaking in 2007, Suzuki sales had fallen by 75%, and its small scale combined with the strong yen made its future prospects bleak. After a big push behind the mid-size Kizashi sedan flopped, its U.S. distributor filed for bankruptcy in November, and such distinctive models as the Samurai, Sidekick, and Swift disappeared into automotive history.

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