


Glenn Solomon 2013-04-24

????當(dāng)一家由風(fēng)投注資的科技公司成功上市之后,它的日子會(huì)變得難過得多。即便是馬林軟件(Marin Software)這樣表現(xiàn)搶眼的公司,也必須要成功地管理好股東群由風(fēng)投公司向公共資金的轉(zhuǎn)變。如果在這個(gè)過程中出了岔子,公司必將付出重大代價(jià)。







????When a venture-backed tech company goes public, their life becomes much tougher. Even for strong companies like Marin Software (MRIN), the key is successfully managing the shift of their shareholder base from VCs to public funds. Failure to do so can be punishing.

????If you're a growth-stage entrepreneur looking to go long, you'll have a similar challenge when you go public. New analysts and fund managers will want your time. The types of questions you'll field from these folks will be very different than those from your VCs -- they'll get very specific about competitors, customers and suppliers -- and also ask open-ended, big-picture questions. It can be unclear what they're getting at. Knowledge of who is buying, selling, holding and/or shorting can be sporadic. Meanwhile, your stock price can vacillate up and down on unrelated and seemingly unimportant news.

????The suggestions below aim to help you navigate the bumpy terrain you'll confront as a newly-public company:


????Focus on fundamentals; don't forget what got you public in the first place. If you've gotten public, you're doing a lot right. Your recipe for success as a public company shouldn't change. If you've built your culture to focus on the customer, this should remain consistent even after you're public. Similarly, if you've rallied your company around an audacious goal, don't be afraid to share it with public investors (but expect them to hold you to this goal over time). IPOs and increased media attention can be very distracting to your employees and a drag on performance. It's critical that you keep your team focused on business as usual to maintain success.

????Be long term greedy, not short term greedy. It can feel euphoric to let future expectations run wild, but it can cause big headaches down the road when you're held to these lofty projections. Instead, keep expectations tamped down wherever possible. This runs counter to typical private company behavior, where VCs push you to think big, make bold projections and reward the achievement of 80-90% of your plan. When you're public, missing numbers by 10% can have disastrous effects. Keeping expectations low may depress your stock price, but if you make money for institutional investors and establish credibility with them by achieving or beating numbers consistently, you'll earn their support.

????Be respectful of the investment community. Once you've gone public, you'll inevitably have many new demands on your time. You need to balance being available with the risk of losing focus on your business. Be consistent -- don't go silent if you're in the midst of a rough patch in your operations and don't turn off to investors or analysts who are negative on your stock. Recognize that sell-side analysts are a point of leverage -- they help you keep your story out in front of investors.

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