


Kevin Kelleher 2013-04-26





????IBM是第一批進軍云計算領(lǐng)域的大科技公司之一。而現(xiàn)在,隨著各大企業(yè)紛紛進軍云計算領(lǐng)域,IBM的一些老業(yè)務(wù)也受到了沖擊。IBM上周發(fā)布財報后,里昂證券亞太市場(CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets)的分析師艾德?馬奎爾在一份研究紀(jì)錄中寫道:“我們懷疑,加快采用云計算技術(shù)的行為至少導(dǎo)致了顧客在評估各項方案時出現(xiàn)了一些拖延?!?/p>



????微軟CEO鮑爾默把Windows 8視為一條讓微軟脫離傳統(tǒng)PC(如筆記本電腦和臺式電腦),轉(zhuǎn)而進軍平板電腦和智能手機市場的可行之路。這是一個明智的決定,可以讓微軟針對新的市場進行定位,但此舉也進一步減緩了市場對PC的需求,而PC正是微軟傳統(tǒng)市場的核心部分。

????At its heart, the tech industry is about the new. Today, tech giants succeeded because of what was new yesterday. The flip side is that the new ages into the old more quickly in tech than in most other industries. And so companies that dominated tech even a decade ago can appear to be aging quickly.

????Such is the picture of the tech industry after a week of earnings reports that saw giants like Intel (INTC), Microsoft (MSFT), and IBM (IBM) discuss their financials in the first quarter of 2013. While the individual results and subsequent reactions among investors varied, one thread ran through all three: Each is struggling to manage older businesses in decline even as they push into promising new areas like cloud computing.

????The most dramatic example was IBM, which has seen its stock decline 9.3% since it reported first-quarter earnings last week. IBM, a 101-year-old company, sold its PC business in 2004 in an effort to move into higher-margin software and IT services businesses. Its growth since then has made the stock a favorite among tech investors.

????Even so, IBM is still struggling with aging businesses. Revenue at the company fell 5% last quarter from the same quarter a year earlier to $23.4 billion, below analyst forecasts.

????Much of the disappointment centered around hardware, including servers based on x86 architecture that, like PCs, have become low-margin commodities. Some reports suggested IBM may sell its x86 server business to Lenovo (LNVGY), the company that bought its PC business years ago.

????IBM was one of the big companies to move early into cloud computing, and yet as companies finally embrace the cloud, that transition is hurting IBM's older businesses. "We suspect accelerating adoption of cloud computing is ?at the very least creating some delays as customers assess options," Ed Maguire, an analyst at CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets said in a research note following IBM's earnings.

????That paradox is also evident in Microsoft's most recent quarter. Under CEO Steve Ballmer, Microsoft has built up a solid enterprise division of Office, Sharepoint, and Exchange, which makes up 31% of its sales. Xbox and other entertainment products make up another 12% of sales and servers still another 25%. For the most part, most have been seeing modest growth in revenue and operating profit.

????Investors seem particularly focused on the 25% of revenue that comes from its Windows division. Its stock fell after two independent research firms showed PC sales falling more than 10% last quarter. Microsoft ended up reporting a 23% rise in Windows revenue, thanks largely to deferred revenue from sales in earlier quarters and its own Surface tablets. (Microsoft is selling Windows hardware and not just Windows software, which adds to revenue but weighs on operating margins.)

????Ballmer envisioned Windows 8 as a way to pull Microsoft away from traditional PCs like laptops and desktops and into tablets and smartphones. It was the smart thing to do, positioning Microsoft for new markets, but it's also accelerating the decline in demand for PCs that are the core of Microsoft's traditional markets.

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