


Omar Akhtar 2013-04-26







????除了速度之外,Twitter數(shù)據(jù)分析還有望為各大公司提供所謂的情緒分析——即對(duì)人們的感覺(jué)進(jìn)行估量。這種分析可以實(shí)時(shí)進(jìn)行,不僅估量消費(fèi)者對(duì)整個(gè)市場(chǎng)的“情緒”,而且還可以估量人們對(duì)具體的市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷(xiāo)活動(dòng)、產(chǎn)品發(fā)布及個(gè)人代言作出的反應(yīng)。2010年,美國(guó)印第安納大學(xué)(Indiana University)信息學(xué)教授約翰?博倫發(fā)表了一份研究報(bào)告。報(bào)告發(fā)現(xiàn),Twitter上的社會(huì)情緒可以預(yù)測(cè)道瓊斯工業(yè)平均指數(shù)的波動(dòng),而且準(zhǔn)確率驚人地高達(dá)87%。博倫說(shuō):“Twitter平臺(tái)絕對(duì)是一個(gè)非常有影響力的環(huán)境,社交媒體網(wǎng)站上的用戶(hù)成為傳感器。確實(shí)有群體智慧這回事?!?/p>

????Bloomberg LP has long prided itself on being the premier provider of financial data, news, and analytics, but can it deliver news faster than social media?

????Millions of dollars can change hands through the rapid decisions investors make based on industry news. It's why they're willing to pay an average of $20,000 a year to use a Bloomberg terminal. The service, which makes up Bloomberg's core business, aggregates information from more than 1,000 news organizations and 90,000 websites, vital to clients looking for any kind of advantage for their investment strategies. Companies like New York-based startup Dataminr claim they can deliver market-moving information faster than the newswires by accessing and analyzing information available on social media.

????Yesterday the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 146 points within seconds after a hacked AP account falsely claimed the White House was under attack. While the market recovered quickly after the hoax was exposed, it showed just how many Wall Street traders were now relying on Twitter for trading information.

????Dataminr says it was able to alert its clients to the hoax a full two minutes ahead of major news. The startup has partnered with Twitter to access the entire "firehose" of nearly 400 million daily tweets on the platform. It implements event detection software that trawls the Twittersphere to identify hotspots of activity or emerging trends that match its client's watchlist of topics, industries or companies. In this way, it says it can provide useful information to governments or finance firms.

????The company was one of the first entities to report the news of Osama Bin Laden's death after spotting a tweet by a former Defense Department official. It only took 19 more tweets about the subject before the company sent an alert out to its clients, who received the news 20 minutes before it broke on traditional news sites. (Dataminr representatives did not respond to request for comment.)

????Access to real-time news and data from a massive network with few geographic restrictions is crucial in a practice where an edge is gained by nanoseconds. For example, a fire at an oil refinery could briefly spike the price of gasoline. While it could take newswires several minutes to report the story, tweets from the actual incident could alert investors in real time and allow them to make a profitable trade.

????In addition to speed, Twitter analytics promise to provide companies with so-called sentiment analysis -- a measure of how people feel. This can be done in real time, gauging not just the broad market "mood" of consumers, but also people's reactions to marketing campaigns, product introductions, and personal endorsements. In 2010, Indiana University informatics professor Johan Bollen published a study that found social sentiment on Twitter could predict swings in the Dow Jones Industrial Average with a startling 87% accuracy. "It's definitely a very powerful environment, you have people acting as human sensors," says Bollen. "There is such a thing as the wisdom of the crowd."

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