


Eric Paley 2013-05-09








????本文作者埃瑞克?帕雷為風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資基金Founder Collective的主理合伙人。本文原載于其個(gè)人博客。


????Most companies just pay out the bonus anyway. Did that make the employees happy? Not really. They expected it. Did the bonus help set the ambitious goals for the next year? Not really. Paying the bonus below the goal suggested that the goals don't really matter, which undermines the idea that the bonus is a form of motivation that leads to retention.

????Worse yet, bonuses are not effective at recruiting employees. Most people that I know are a bit skeptical of bonuses before they join a company. They have no idea how ambitious the goals are or how likely they are to achieve the target bonus. On top of that, there is an ego element tied to salary that is absent in bonuses. All other things being equal, most people would rather join a company offering $100,000 a year in salary than make $90,000 a year with a potential target bonus of $20,000. That isn't so much an issue of risk aversion, but more of self assurance that they are worth $100,000 salary combined with the unknown of how likely they are to get any bonus at all.

????Bonuses also create a culture of sandbagging and therefore are a bad motivation tool. Instead of wanting to achieve incredibly ambitious goals, employees start to consider whether the goal is likely and whether they will achieve their bonuses if they accept an ambitious goal. By arguing for lower goals, employees are optimizing for getting a bonus while actually working counter to the interests of the company.

????Why are large companies different? At large companies goals are not as ambitious (10% growth vs. 200% growth) and employees typically don't have the equity potential that they have at startups. Most importantly, financial goals are much better understood and typically achievable. Startups forecast based on what's possible. Large companies forecast based on what's probable. It's easier to bonus employees on the latter than the former.

????So bonuses aren't a good recruiting tool. Or a good retention tool. Or a good motivation tool. For these reasons, bonuses damage culture and focus the team on the wrong objectives.

????What compensation tool is effective for recruiting, retaining, and motivating employees at a startup? Equity. Pay employees a fair salary for the stage of the company and keep everyone aligned to the extraordinary equity potential of huge growth. If the company achieves a 4X plan, the company's equity has appreciated more than if it achieves a 3X plan. When employees don't quite achieve plan, they understand that the equity hasn't appreciated as much, but they are still rewarded for the forward progress with assumed appreciation of their stock. Employees have no financial incentive to sandbag because trying to achieve ambitious goals is how they maximize the equity reward.

????Best of all, equity has the potential of paying out orders of magnitude higher than any potential bonus.

????Eric Paley ( @epaley) is managing partner at Founder Collective. This post originally appeared on his blog.

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