


Kurt Wagner 2013-05-10



????據(jù)Everbridge公司CEO杰里?艾勒特森介紹,Everbridge是在2002年的911事件后創(chuàng)辦的。傳統(tǒng)的電話通知法由于經(jīng)常十分低效,不適宜在21世紀(jì)傳播緊急預(yù)警信息,因此基本上已經(jīng)被Everbridge所取代了。Everbridge的系統(tǒng)不僅可以發(fā)布信息,而且還鼓勵(lì)收件人給予簡短的回復(fù),以便收集信息。比如像“你安全嗎”或“你需要醫(yī)療幫助嗎”等短信,讓收件人有機(jī)會(huì)把重要的信息回復(fù)給政府機(jī)構(gòu)。波士頓兒童醫(yī)院(Children's Hospital)經(jīng)常用Everbridge來給護(hù)士發(fā)送指令。爆炸案發(fā)生后的混亂期間,兒童醫(yī)院使用了Everbridge系統(tǒng)召集員工參加重要的電話會(huì)議。如果放在過去,就必須通過電話挨個(gè)地向員工發(fā)傳呼。這家醫(yī)院的應(yīng)急管理協(xié)調(diào)員尼古拉斯?列維特說:“信息變化得非常快,我們也需要一個(gè)快速發(fā)布信息的方法?!?/p>


????Manpower -- SWAT teams, bomb squads, K9 units, scores of local police officers, and citizens providing information -- will forever receive credit for bringing down the suspects linked to the Boston Marathon bombings that killed three and wounded hundreds. But there was another, little-noticed participant in the manhunt: an emergency alert platform created by Glendale, Calif.-based Everbridge.

????It was Everbridge's system that enabled officers to keep locals informed -- and safe -- as they tore through suburban streets in search of the suspects. Everbridge allows single entities to send thousands of messages at the push of a button, even if cell towers are down. (The system can send texts using Wi-Fi). During Boston's marathon bombings, local companies used the system to verify the safety of employees, hospitals used it to relay information to nurses, and police updated citizens with safety alerts and messages. "We really wanted to limit people being out [on the streets] so that those law enforcement folks could maneuver around the town," says Watertown Fire Chief Mario Orangio. "By getting that message out as quickly as we did, it helped immensely." At one point during the manhunt that resulted in the capture of suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Watertown Fire Department sent out 11,000 messages in a 15-minute span using Everbridge, he added.

????Everbridge, which was founded in 2002 following the September 11 attacks, has essentially replaced the phone tree, an inefficient and often ineffective way to spread emergency alerts in the 21st century. Everbridge's system not only sends out messages but also gathers information by prompting receivers to use short, simple responses. Questions like "Are you safe?" or "Do you need medical help?" are examples of messages that would allow receivers a chance to send important information back to authorities, says Everbridge CEO Jaime Ellertson. At Children's Hospital in Boston, Everbridge is used regularly to help staff nurses, says Nicholas Levitre, the hospital's emergency management coordinator. During the chaos following the bombings, Children's used the system to get nurses onto important conference calls, a task that used to require sending out individual pages using the telephone. "Information was changing so rapidly," says Levitre, "that we just needed a way to get it out quickly."

????In other instances, the Everbridge system can be programmed to repeatedly call people until they answer the phone, a task more or less impossible with the old phone tree system. "Communication by itself probably isn't the difference between life or death," says Ellertson, "but it certainly can be the difference between keeping people safe or not." Everbridge customers currently reach some 35 million Americans, from urban jungles to the plains of tornado alley.

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