


Stephen Gandel 2013-05-17


????在上個周末和周一清晨,對于彭博(Bloomberg)爆出的“窺探門”丑聞,這家媒體帝國的首席執(zhí)行官丹尼爾?多克托洛夫和該社主編馬特?溫克勒迅速做出了反應(yīng)。但經(jīng)過媒體一個周末外加一天的探查,即彭博社記者窺探了多少彭博終端用戶,仍然有一些懸而未決的問題。以下是對其中最扣人心弦的問題的盤點,在 “窺探門”事件中,這些問題的答案還是未知數(shù):



????這時候,花旗集團(Citigroup)的首席執(zhí)行官邁克爾?考伯特并不在彭博終端面前;但美國銀行(Bank of American)的首席執(zhí)行官布萊恩?莫伊尼漢正在使用,雖然他在過去15分鐘沒有碰過任何按鍵;杰富瑞國際(Jefferies)的首席執(zhí)行官理查德?漢德勒也在使用,而且正在打字。



????而且,你可以根據(jù)公司或人物類型進行搜索。在私募股權(quán)投資公司黑石集團(Blackstone),知名戰(zhàn)略家拜倫?韋恩和金融家貝內(nèi)特?古德曼已經(jīng)登錄,該集團房地產(chǎn)部門的主管喬納森?格雷還沒有——很多人認為他有一天會接掌黑石。同樣,我還可以看到高盛集團(Goldman Sachs)的那些董事總經(jīng)理和哈佛MBA畢業(yè)生中誰在使用彭博終端誰又不在使用。


????There's a new name for Bloomberg on Wall Street: Big Brother.

????Bloomberg CEO Dan Doctoroff and editor-in-chief Matt Winkler rushed out responses over the weekend and early Monday morning to thespying scandal at the media empire. But after a weekend and a day of media probes into how much client spying was tolerated by reporters at Bloomberg, there were still a number of unanswered questions. Here's a run-down of some the obvious, burning questions that we still haven't gotten to the bottom of in the Bloomberg client bamboozle:

Will Bloomberg rethink its privacy policies?

????If you work on Wall Street and you are a privacy nut, which you know you are because, you know, you work on Wall Street, it turns out there's way more personal information on the Bloomberg machine than you would want. For instance, around 2 p.m. on Monday afternoon, legendary hedge fund manager Stanley Druckenmiller was on his Bloomberg terminal. His e-mail is displayed for all other users to see, and, according to Bloomberg, he goes by Stan.

????Michael Corbat, the CEO of Citigroup (C), was not on his Bloomberg. But Bank of America (BAC) CEO Brian Moynihan was, though he hadn't touched a key for the past 15 minutes. Jefferies CEO Richard Handler was on his Bloomberg and typing away.

????Among hedge fund managers, David Einhorn was in, but Dan Loeb was out, at least as far as their terminals were concerned. Bill Ackman was in his office, it seemed, but had stepped away from his Bloomberg. When I started looking, Leon Cooperman was logged on, but not using his machine. By 2:30, he was surfing his Bloomberg again.

????Tim Wildenberg, who is the head of electronic trading for Citigroup in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, was not logged into his terminal, but he was using a Bloomberg mobile application at the time, probably because in London, where he works, it was after-hours.

????And you can search by firm or types of people. At private equity firm Blackstone (BX), well known strategist Byron Wein and financier Bennett Goodman were in. Jonathan Gray, who heads up the firm's real estate division and many think will someday run the firm, was out. I could also see who was and wasn't using their Bloomberg terminals among Goldman Sachs (GS) managing directors and Harvard MBAs.

????And that's information readily available to everyone and still is. It's not something you had to be a Bloomberg reporter or know some obscure function to find out. The information is displayed in color dots -- green is in and red is out -- next to a user's e-mail address on the personal bio pages.

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