


Stephen Gandel 2013-05-20





????That's not the only boost JPMorgan got from its accountants. On top of taking fewer loan losses, the bank also pulled money out of the fund it has set aside to cover future bad loans. As a result, an additional $650 million made its way to JPMorgan's bottom line. The result: What could have been a loss of $1.15 billion from bad loans turned into a gain of $200 million.

????JPMorgan spokeswoman Kristin Lemkau says the bulk of the company's earnings gains have come from true improvements in its business. "We have had three years of record performance driven by market share gains in every line of business," says Lemkau. She says that Dimon has regularly told investors that he does not consider loan reserve releases as quality earnings.

????Of course, the economy is improving, and house prices are rising. So you would expect fewer losses. Still, the bank's nonperforming loans have dropped by only 11%, far less than the 50% drop in write-offs. What's more, the volume of home loans at JPMorgan on which borrowers haven't made a payment in more than three months suddenly jumped $3.5 billion in the first quarter. That's the first jump in seriously delinquent loans the bank has seen in more than three years and could be a sign of more problems ahead.

????Even without these accounting moves, though, the bank's bottom line would have been up $600 million or 10% in the first three months of the year. So it's hard to make the case that Dimon should go. But earnings at Citigroup (C) and Wells Fargo rose 31% and 22%, respectively. That puts the indispensability of Dimon in perspective.

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