


Cyrus Sanati 2013-05-22
作為Web 1.0時(shí)代的偶像,雅虎應(yīng)該放下錢袋子,重新開(kāi)始正經(jīng)工作。

????雅虎(Yahoo)11億美元收購(gòu)輕博客網(wǎng)站Tumblr,看來(lái)像是首席執(zhí)行官瑪麗莎?梅耶爾一次昂貴卻失誤的嘗試——為了讓停留在Web 1.0時(shí)代的雅虎重新變酷。雅虎目前處境艱難,不過(guò)前谷歌(Google)高管梅耶爾并不打算靠大力創(chuàng)新走出困境,而是拿起雅虎的提款卡,在不到一年的時(shí)間里將10家公司收入囊中。Tumblr是迄今為止數(shù)額最大的交易,但時(shí)間長(zhǎng)了可能就會(huì)證明毫無(wú)用處。因?yàn)門umblr的內(nèi)容存在問(wèn)題——大部分輕博客對(duì)廣告商來(lái)說(shuō)并不安全。





????在Tumblr的11億美元襯托下,雅虎其它收購(gòu)看來(lái)都不值一提了。如果你不是青少年,不是時(shí)尚人士,不是極客,也不是人體藝術(shù)欣賞者,那Tumblr就僅僅是一個(gè)“輕博客”,任何人都可以在上面暢所欲言。不過(guò)Tumblr的意義不僅僅是個(gè)和谷歌博客類似的博客站點(diǎn),它擁有自己的社群,核心用戶們會(huì)耗費(fèi)大量時(shí)間閱讀和張貼內(nèi)容(例如視頻),并將其他人的內(nèi)容轉(zhuǎn)記到私人Tumblr里。Tumblr使用起來(lái)很簡(jiǎn)單,界面也很清晰明了,年輕的用戶群,穿著套頭衫的創(chuàng)始人,表現(xiàn)不錯(cuò)的移動(dòng)市場(chǎng),十分給力的“分享”力度——堪稱一個(gè)完美的Web 2.0產(chǎn)品。但Tumblr的營(yíng)收乏善可陳,今年的營(yíng)收目標(biāo)更是不切實(shí)際的1億美元(去年僅為1200萬(wàn)美元),而且管理團(tuán)隊(duì)對(duì)廣告極為抵制。

????Yahoo's $1.1 billion acquisition of Tumblr looks like an expensive and misguided attempt by chief executive Marissa Mayer to somehow make the Web 1.0 company "cool" again. Instead of innovating her way out of the mediocre corner of the Internet in which Yahoo currently resides, the former Google executive has instead decided to take the company's debit card and go on a shopping spree, snapping up 10 companies in less than a year on the job. Tumblr is by far the most expensive bauble she has picked up so far and could prove a dud over the long term given its questionable content, much of which is "NSFA" -- Not Safe For Advertisers.

????When Mayer took the helm at Yahoo (YHOO) last year, investors were ecstatic. The company had been on a listless voyage over the previous decade as it struggled to move from awkward adolescence into adulthood. Ms. Mayer's appointment gave investors hope that Yahoo could somehow be pulled back from the brink of technological irrelevance. She was seen as a bright star equipped with the magic Google (GOOG) touch that would, hopefully, help restore Yahoo's rusty search engine as well as the hodgepodge of companies it acquired over the years.

????Mayer's star power is undeniable. Yahoo's stock is now up around 70% since her appointment to the top job in July of last year. This is despite the fact that Yahoo's core earnings have remained relatively flat and that it has continued to lose ground in search, moving from a 13% market share last summer to around an 11% share in the first quarter of this year, according to data from comScore (SCOR). Much of the company's earnings per share growth in the past year has come from stock buybacks, paying less in taxes and cost-cutting measures instituted by its former management team.

????Most of Yahoo's value derives from its two core Asian assets, Yahoo Japan and the Chinese internet bazaar, Alibaba (much of which the company sold off last fall to pay for a big stock buyback). After slaughtering the Alibaba cow to give a lavish feast to its starved shareholders, Yahoo needs desperately to replenish its earnings. Mayer rightly believes that Yahoo should be doing more to expand its presence on the mobile web. Studies show people are increasingly turning to their phones and tablets to access the web instead of the traditional desktop or laptop. Mobile web advertising spending in the U.S. is expected to explode to around $4 billion this year, up 72% from last year, according to eMarketer.

????So far, Mayer has snapped up 10 mobile-centric app companies in the past year, paying a few million dollars for each of them. While mobile is the way of the future, the company's approach has faults -- namely, backlash. For example, dolling out $30 million in cash for Summly -- an iPhone app made by a teenager that has no revenue -- was greeted by Silicon Valley with derision.

????Now comes Tumblr. At $1.1 billion, it makes Yahoo's other purchases look like rounding errors. For those who aren't teenagers, fashionistas, tech geeks, or porn aficionados Tumblr is a "microblogging" site where anyone can post pretty much anything they want. But Tumblr is more than just a big web hosting blog site, like Google's Blogger -- it has a true community of core users who spend hours upon hours reading, posting gifs (moving pictures), and "reblogging" each other's posts to their own personal Tumblrs. It's easy to set up, has a clean interface, a young user base, a hoodie-sporting founder, a decent mobile presence, and lots of "sharing" -- the perfect Web 2.0 brew. It also has scant revenue, unrealistic revenue goals of $100 million this year (it made around $12 million last year), and a management team that thinks advertising sucks.

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