


Cyrus Sanati 2013-05-22
作為Web 1.0時代的偶像,雅虎應(yīng)該放下錢袋子,重新開始正經(jīng)工作。



????Tumblr的風險投資方包括紅杉資本(Union Square)、星火資本(Spark Capital)、合廣投資(Union Square Ventures)以及格雷洛克合伙公司(Greylock Partners)。為何Tumblr一開始利用其內(nèi)容賺錢,上述投資方就同意出售該公司?要知道,Tumblr網(wǎng)站的頁面訪問量和獨立訪客數(shù)量都相當高,其錢途看起來一片大好,不是嗎?這個嘛,其實關(guān)鍵是看廣告商是否想與Tumblr扯上關(guān)系。事實上,Tumblr有一個秘密,該網(wǎng)站是一個虛擬倉庫,里面色情照片堆積如山。Tumblr允許用戶跟蹤并創(chuàng)建特定的色情流派。Tumblr中大量色情圖片似乎是非法截取自其它網(wǎng)站,其發(fā)布并未經(jīng)版權(quán)持有人許可。





????To be fair, Tumblr does have some impressive user statistics. Around 117 million visitors stumbled upon one of Tumblr's 108 million blogs in April, according to comScore. That added up to 16 billion monthly page views according to Quantcast. Unfortunately, Tumblr doesn't release any analytics, even to its own blogs, so it is really tough to figure out how widespread the community is at this point or what genre of microblogs command the most attention and value. It has a strong following in the fashion community because it is pretty easy to post and repost pictures -- not as easily as some of its competitors, like Pintrest, but easy nonetheless.

????What should disturb Yahoo shareholders is the company's track record when it comes to trying to monetize its content. For example, in 2011 at New York's Fashion Week, Tumblr tried to get advertisers to spend a ridiculous $150,000 to $350,000 on banner ads, causing an uproar across the advertising community. It also tried to pimp out popular Tumblr fashion bloggers, offering advertisers special alone time with them for a mere $10,000. Most troubling? Tumblr's track record when it comes to mobile advertising: It has none. The company only started advertising on the mobile web last month in a limited beta test.

????Why would Tumblr's venture funders, which include the likes of Sequoia Capital, Spark Capital, Union Square Ventures, and Greylock Partners, agree to sell the company the second it started to monetize its content? With all those impressive stats on page views and unique viewers it sounds like Tumblr could be a goldmine, right? Well, that all depends on whether advertisers actually want to be associated with Tumblr. Indeed Tumblr has a secret -- it is a virtual warehouse for mountains and mountains of porn. Tumblr allows people to follow and create very specific prurient subgenres. A great deal of Tumblr porn appears to be illegally lifted from other websites and posted without the permission of the copyright holders.

????Porn draws in a lot of eyeballs, but advertisers refuse to be associated with it. It is unclear what Yahoo will do with all the Tumblr porn. Take it away and chances are those page views and visitor numbers will fall. Keep them up and the company will be exposing itself to a number of copyright lawsuits and will cause advertisers to run as fast as they can in the other direction. Of course, Google's acquisition of YouTube presented some similar challenges that have, more or less been worked out. Any big acquisition carries risks.

????The bottom line? Yahoo could have been smarter about how it paid for the deal. It should have hedged its bets and paid with a mix of cash and stock that vested overtime. That's what Facebook (FB) did when it acquired Instagram for the headline number of $1 billion. It paid with $300 million in cash and $700 million in Facebook stock -- stock which has collapsed in value since the company went public last year. That was smarter than paying all cash because it linked Facebook's success to the value of the asset.

????Mayer has talked a great deal of how she wants to make Yahoo an innovative company again. This move could very well end up being that smash success she needs. For now, shareholders still believe she has enough of that Google fairy dust in her pocket to turn the company around. But Mayer shouldn't test their patience.

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