
Xbox One的主要問題

Xbox One的主要問題

John Patrick Pullen 2013-05-24
微軟的Xbox One被譽為除了機頂盒之外,電視機唯一需要的外部設(shè)備。但糟糕的是,它和你的機頂盒或有線電視卡都連接不上。

????去年有線卡普及率的提高可能與TiVo Premiere在去年底推出雙向服務(wù)有點關(guān)系,這個雙向服務(wù)讓用戶可以從諸如康卡斯特(Comcast)等供應(yīng)商那里獲得收費點播服務(wù)。我自己也進行了這樣的升級,具有諷刺意味的是,自從我撤下有線電視機頂盒之后,我從來沒有像現(xiàn)在這樣滿意自己獲得的電視服務(wù)。周一,TiVo宣布上季度其訂戶人數(shù)的增加創(chuàng)七年多來的最高水平,有線電視訂戶增加了277,000人。此外,據(jù)媒體近日報道,智能電視制造商三星目前正在把目光投向這個仍然可行的技術(shù),以求顛覆有線電視糟糕的用戶體驗,并且提供更好的互動服務(wù)。去年夏天,彭博社報道,蘋果據(jù)說提議與康卡斯特合作推出一個新的用戶界面,但今天數(shù)百萬用戶仍然凝視著這家有限電視公司極其丑陋的藍(lán)色菜單。因此,那個合作顯然沒有獲得成功。


????對于多重服務(wù)供應(yīng)商而言,機頂盒意味著一項穩(wěn)定的收入來源。標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的高清機頂盒每月能為供應(yīng)商賺取8-10美元收入,其中不包括服務(wù)費,而供應(yīng)商一直利用這些收費來防止用戶放棄有限電視服務(wù)轉(zhuǎn)而使用諸如網(wǎng)飛(Netflix)和Aereo等OTT(over-the-top,指不是由供應(yīng)商提供的其他服務(wù))服務(wù)造成的人數(shù)縮減。然而,在微軟推出Xbox One之后,供應(yīng)商便擁有了一個既改善用戶界面又保證機頂盒營收的盟友,從而實現(xiàn)雙贏。


????但是,如果Xbox用戶想要擁有電視硬盤錄像機(DVR)功能的話,那么他們似乎將不得不向電視供應(yīng)商支付更多費用(或者購買第三個DVR盒子),從而進一步削弱了這款游戲機的所有功能于一身的價值主張。當(dāng)然,微軟正在極力宣傳Xbox One 500 GB的硬盤容量,以及流暢的游戲DVR功能,但在昨天的發(fā)布會上,他們沒有提到電視錄制功能。事實上,微軟互動娛樂部門總裁唐?馬特里克在他發(fā)言時,夾在“核心和休閑游戲”和“體育和電影”之間。迅速跳過了“實時和錄制的電視”這個話題,而直接提出這個問題:


????嗯,我不知道,微軟。你能做到嗎?( 財富中文網(wǎng))


????Last year's uptick in adoption might have something to do with TiVo (TIVO) Premiere launching bi-directional service in late 2012, which gave users access to on-demand services from providers like Comcast (CMCSA). I personally made that upgrade, and, ironically, since ripping out my cable box, I have never been happier with my television service. On Monday, TiVo announced its largest quarterly subscription increase in more than seven years, a gain of 277,000 cable subscribers. It's also been recently reported that smart-television manufacturer Samsung is eyeing the still-viable technology to go subvert cable's poor user experience and deliver better interactive services. And last summer, Bloomberg reported that Apple reportedly offered to work with Comcast on a new interface, but millions of people are still staring at the cable company's hideous blue menus today, so that obviously didn't pan out.

????But if CableCard is good enough for TiVo and Samsung, why wasn't it feasible for Microsoft? That's a mystery, though it isn't a surprise. As unpopular as the protocol has been—and as ubiquitous as HDMI has become—Microsoft could even be forgiven for being forward-looking on this particular spec. But I imagine the move came as a result of boardroom negotiations with multi-service providers (MSOs), where Microsoft asked for program and scheduling information, and the television companies said, "Sure, as long as you draw them out of our boxes."

????Set-top boxes represent a consistent revenue stream for MSOs. Standard high-definition boxes fetch providers anywhere from $8 to $10 per month, not including service fees, and providers have been using these charges to combat attrition caused by viewers cutting the cord in favor of over-the-top services like Netflix (NFLX) and Aereo. With the Xbox One, however, providers have an ally that both improves the user interface and guarantees box revenue—a win-win.

????CableCards, meanwhile, only cost $2.50 per month, and the FCC has mandated that providers supply the first one for free.

????But if Xbox One users want television DVR capabilities, it seems they will have to pay television providers even more (or get a third box), further undercutting the game console's all-in-one value proposition. Of course, Microsoft is touting Xbox One's 500 gigabyte hard drive and slick game DVR functionality, but they made no mention of television recording capabilities in yesterday's announcement. In fact, sandwiched between "core and casual games" and "sports and movies," Don Mattrick, Microsoft's president of interactive entertainment, sped right past "live and recorded television" in his remarks, burning a path to this question:

????"Can we improve a living room that has become too complex, too fragmented, and too slow, by harmonizing your experiences?"

????Well, I don't know, Microsoft. Can you?

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