


Olof Schybergson 2013-05-29

????數(shù)據(jù)不會(huì)為了你而自動(dòng)創(chuàng)新。數(shù)據(jù)可以展現(xiàn)某些模式,幫助我們預(yù)測(cè)結(jié)果,也可以幫助我們驗(yàn)證理論。但是當(dāng)研發(fā)某些全新事物時(shí),光靠數(shù)據(jù)無法催生出下一代的“殺手級(jí)”產(chǎn)品。如果美劇《雙峰鎮(zhèn)》(Twin Peaks)的編劇或加拿大太陽馬戲團(tuán)(Cirque de Soleil)的老板當(dāng)初只在數(shù)據(jù)的預(yù)測(cè)范圍內(nèi)考慮問題的話,那么觀眾的欣賞偏好數(shù)據(jù)可能會(huì)顯示《雙峰鎮(zhèn)》的品味太古怪了,另外的數(shù)據(jù)則會(huì)顯示,在日益低迷的馬戲市場(chǎng)上開辦一家新的馬戲團(tuán)是件多么瘋狂的事。



????Data will not innovate on your behalf. Data can show patterns and help predict outcomes, and it can also help validate theories. But when working on something entirely new, data alone is unlikely to lead to the next killer product. As some others have observed, the world would not have experienced Twin Peaks or Cirque de Soleil if the creators had worked within the boundaries of data-validated predictability. The audience preference data would have shown that Twin Peaks is too weird, and data would also have shown that it would be crazy to start a new venture in the declining circus market.

??? For companies in the business of "new," good design is a key ingredient. Designers can help organizations imagine where their business could be or reimagine an existing business. Creativity is a crucial component of invention. For creative breakthroughs, data can still be very powerful -- if it's coupled up with the uniquely human traits of imagination and intuition.

??? Traditionally, large organizations tend to work with business consultants to help them understand how to use data to their benefit -- to become more efficient and to make better real-time decisions. Technologists on the other hand, tend to try to structure data in a flexible way. They analyze it, dashboard it, and cross-reference it to make it more efficient and intelligent.



????The designer tends to approach data from a completely different angle. They will intuitively think about the end user and how real people can benefit from the data. Designers have it ingrained to focus on simplicity and bring a singular focus to delighting the end user -- regardless of whether they are a business user or consumer. Designers know how to take complex or disparate information and make it tangible, understandable, and importantly, more human. Design can play a key role to make digital data adapt to our messy lives and the real world. Designers can bring stories and humanity back into the digital services we increasingly rely on for all aspects of our lives.

????For onscreen experiences, simplicity has become a watchword, especially for mobile devices. Service design can bring simplicity to the forefront for a company wanting to use data in smarter ways to benefit the user. Here are a few examples that illustrate the power of a design-led approach to data:

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