


Charles P. Wallace 2013-05-31


????信諾集團開始在中國銷售保險時,只銷售健康險和意外險,如當災難降臨時,一次性給付保險金的癌癥保險等。2012年加入信諾負責中國業(yè)務的巴西人費爾南多?莫雷估計,信諾在中國的業(yè)務約70%為附加健康、人壽和意外保險市場,年保費最低為150美元。加入信諾之前,莫雷曾在中國大型人壽保險公司平安保險(Ping An)任顧問一職。


????上海中國市場研究集團(CMR China Market Research Group)的高級分析師本?凱文德表示,跨國企業(yè)的許多更年輕的中國高管積累的財富遠遠多于上一輩,現(xiàn)在他們更關心年邁的父母。凱文德說:“對于信諾提供的個人健康保險產(chǎn)品的需求,肯定會愈加迫切?!?/p>




????China Merchants Bank, which also boasts a private banking unit, is key to Cigna's efforts to expand its market to high-net-worth customers ($350,000 to $1.5 million in assets) who travel abroad and can take advantage of Cigna's established network of hospitals and doctors outside of China, in places like Singapore, Hong Kong, and even Europe.

????When Cigna began selling insurance in China, it began with simple health and accident policies such as the cancer product that offers a lump sum payout when a catastrophic event happens. Fernando Moreira, a Brazilian who joined Cigna in 2012 to head the China operation after working as an adviser to Ping An, a huge Chinese life insurance company, estimates that about 70% of Cigna's business in China is in the supplemental health, life, and accident market, with annual premiums as low as $150.

????These days, though, Cigna is making a push for clients who will spend $15,000 a year or more on insurance. Customers like Li Zheng, the 36-year-old CEO of a computer network company. Li toldFortune he signed up for a Cigna policy because he wanted access to the better service offered by private health care. "At public hospitals you have to wait a long time," Li says. He also has a Canadian-born wife and often travels abroad, so he wants to be covered on his overseas trips as well as in China.

????Ben Cavender, associate principal at CMR China Market Research Group in Shanghai, says a lot of younger Chinese executives at multinationals have more money than previous generations, and they now must care for their aging parents. "There's absolutely going to be very strong demand for the kind of individual health care policies Cigna is offering," Cavender says.

????The next chapter in Cigna's expansion is offering U.S.-style workplace insurance plans to Chinese companies. These are relatively expensive, so they would be available only to executives and middle managers. So far, China does not offer any tax benefits to companies that provide health care insurance, but is reported to be considering making a change, which could vastly increase Cigna's business.

????Not that Cigna is sitting back and waiting for legislative or policy changes to boost its business in China, or elsewhere in the developing world for that matter. Emboldened by its wins using unexpected tactics, the company continues to experiment in China. Cigna has signed deals with another 12 banks, credit companies, airlines, and even retailers to get access to their customer lists as potential sales leads. It has also created a concierge service to help middle-class Chinese deal with the brave new world of capitalist-style fee-for-service medicine. And its practice of teaming up with great marketing partners -- rather than successful insurers -- continues. For its new joint venture in India, which also has a rising middle class that is starting to demand VIP health care and insurance, Cigna chose another unconventional partner: a diversified local manufacturing company best known as a maker of cooking pots.

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