


Alex Taylor III 2013-05-31

????幾天前,我在汽車網(wǎng)站Automotive News上看到了一則標題為《豐田力挫寶馬被評為全球最具價值汽車品牌》的報道??粗@個標題,我心想,這可挺有意思的。幾年前,豐田(Toyota)的數(shù)次大規(guī)模召回似乎并沒有影響它的聲譽,而且豐田總裁豐田章男推動的企業(yè)文化改革也給公司帶來了動力。













????X6M LCI小改款

????M6 Coupe







????The other day, I was attracted to a story on the Automotive News website that carried the headline "Toyota overtakes BMW as most valuable global car brand." Okay, I thought, that's pretty interesting. All those recalls a few years ago don't seem to have dented Toyota's reputation, and the culture change pushed by president Akio Toyoda is getting traction.

????Then I read a little further along and discovered that Toyota's (TM) move to the top of the heap was mostly attributed its big position in hybrids that were said to be gaining favor with value-conscious consumers who wanted to save money on gas. Hybrids like Prius were "reinforcing the experience of the brand" and magnifying what is "special and different" about Toyota.

????Well, I'd always thought of Toyota as big and populist in its approach to the market, trying to appeal of the greatest number of people. "Special and different" sounded to me more like Subaru than Toyota. As to whether hybrids appeal to value-conscious consumers, most studies have shown that it takes years to amortize the hybrid price premium with savings at the gas pump.

????Still, the ratings were accompanied by some pretty impressive numbers-crunching, so I decided to read on.

????Why had BMW dropped into second place in the 2013 ranking? According to the survey, it was because of the lack of new model launches in 2012 compared to previous years. The automotive brands that grew the most in the ratings, I was informed, were the ones that launched the most models. I was surprised to hear that, so I emailed a friend at BMW to get a list of its 2012 launches. Here it is:

????3 Series Sedan

????5 Series Active Hybrid


????3 Series All Wheel Drive

????3 Series Active Hybrid

????640i Gran Coupe

????M6 Convertible

????X3 with N20 engine

????X6 M LCI facelift

????M6 Coupe

????7 Series LCI

????7 Series Active Hybrid LCI



????Looks like BMW was pretty busy in 2012.

????There were some other oddities as well. Mercedes and Honda (HMC) ranked third and fourth in brand strength, but Nissan pulled in to fifth place, which must have been a delightful surprise to CEO Carlos Ghosn, who has been pushing to raise Nissan's reputation from its current status as a discount brand. And price-leader Hyundai grabbed ninth place, just behind premium-priced Audi and ahead of premium-priced Lexus.

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