


Dan Mitchell 2013-06-03




????當(dāng)然,這并不意味著這份報(bào)告毫無價(jià)值:與羅伯茨每周的報(bào)告一樣,米克爾的年度報(bào)告將許多不相干的信息放在大背景下進(jìn)行分析,讓人們認(rèn)識(shí)到什么才是傳統(tǒng)智慧:羅伯茨是環(huán)城路智慧,而米克爾則是硅谷智慧。在這方面,米克爾比羅伯茨略勝一籌:她提供的大部分都是由風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資公司凱鵬華盈(Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers)內(nèi)部生成的數(shù)據(jù)。這位互聯(lián)網(wǎng)分析師同時(shí)也是這家公司的合伙人。上周三,她在AllThingD科技大會(huì)上公布了自己的報(bào)告,使用了大量幻燈片。



????Mary Meeker's annual Internet Trends report is a little like Cokie Roberts's Monday morning appearances on NPR -- a litany of points of unsurprising conventional wisdom.

????That doesn't make it valueless: Like Roberts's weekly reports, Meeker's annual presentations put a lot of disparate information in context and offer a guide to what is, well, the conventional wisdom: Beltway wisdom in Roberts's case, Silicon Valley wisdom in Meeker's. Meeker is one up on Roberts in this respect: She offers a lot of data largely generated in-house at the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, where the Internet analyst is a partner. Her report, presented Wednesday at the AllThingsD conference, was, as always, accompanied by an insane number of slides.

????One of them, showing Facebook (FB) at the head of the pack of social media services that are all growing -- Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube (GOOG), LinkedIn (LNKD) -- prompted Meeker to utter a line that could have been the slogan for her report: "You know that, you intuit it -- here's some data that backs it up."

????Another slide showed that 500 million photos are shared online every day, and Meeker expects that number to double between this year and next. Never mind that seemingly 90% of shared photos are interesting mainly just to the sharer, that's an incredible number and it explains why Facebook shelled out $1 billion for Instagram, why Yahoo (YHOO) finally got around to revamping its formerly moribund Flickr service, and why Apple (AAPL) is running all those TV spots peddling the iPhone as a camera. Snapchat is leading the growth of photo-sharing, Meeker said, but photos are driving traffic growth for Facebook and lots of other services as well.

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