


David Whitford 2013-06-03



????“我在這里看到了一個真正巨大的商機(jī),”來自澳大利亞的企業(yè)家彼得?德坎特佐說。58歲的他是一名會計師兼休閑飛行員,他的前一個重要身份是卡爾文克萊恩(Calvin Klein Jeanswear)香港辦事處的負(fù)責(zé)人。

????德坎特佐左右手腕各戴著一只金表,分別是勞力士(Rolex)和摩凡陀(Movado),它們是德坎特佐的父親傳給他的遺物。他的父親就是傳奇飛行員西德尼?徳坎特佐,曾在二戰(zhàn)期間駕駛貨運(yùn)飛機(jī)在橫跨喜馬拉雅山脈的駝峰航線飛行,并曾駕駛轟炸機(jī)從加拿大趕赴英國。戰(zhàn)爭結(jié)束之后,西德尼與人聯(lián)合創(chuàng)立了國泰航空公司(Cathay Pacific)。據(jù)說,蔣介石夫人宋美齡除了西德尼之外不信任其他任何飛行員。當(dāng)年,彼得只有3歲的時候,西德尼撒手人寰——具有諷刺意味的是,他死于一場車禍——但父親留下來的遺產(chǎn)(西德尼也曾在維多利亞港駕駛水上飛機(jī))很好地呈現(xiàn)在了兒子的新公司當(dāng)中,即海翔航空(Waterfront Air)。


????徳坎特佐希望,這項(xiàng)業(yè)務(wù)最早明年就能在中國深圳寶安國際機(jī)場(Shenzhen International Airport)的一處廣闊海運(yùn)碼頭對外開放。他之所以選擇那里、而不是鄰近的香港,是因?yàn)樯钲诋?dāng)局比香港當(dāng)局更愿意迅速行動,原因在于深圳振興旅游和服務(wù)行業(yè)的愿望,因?yàn)樵摰氐闹圃鞓I(yè)增長已經(jīng)開始放緩。

????Asian high-rollers may soon have a stylish new way to make a splash on arrival in Macau: in a seaplane.

????Seaplanes were once as much a part of the Victoria Harbor seascape as Chinese junks, but not for the last 50 years. These days if you want to get to Macau from Hong Kong, you've got basically two options: high-speed ferry, which takes about an hour and costs less than $20 one-way in economy class; or helicopter, which will save you time but scares some people, frankly, and not just because it costs 25 times more than the boat does.

????"I just see a really great opportunity here," says Australian entrepreneur Peter de Kantzow, a 58-year-old accountant and recreational aviator whose last big gig was running the Hong Kong office of Calvin Klein Jeanswear.

????De Kantzow wears two gold watches, a Rolex and a Movado, one on each wrist -- relics passed down to him by his father, legendary aviator Sydney de Kantzow, who flew cargo across the Hump in the Himalayas and delivered bombers from Canada to England during World War II, and afterward co-founded Cathay Pacific; Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, it was said, trusted no other pilot but him. Sydney died when Peter was just three years old -- in a car wreck, ironically -- but the legacy of the father (who also flew seaplanes in Victoria Harbor) is very much present in the son's new venture, Waterfront Air.

????When de Kantzow surveys the market, he sees, 1) Plenty of demand: nearly 200 million cross-border passenger movements every year, by boat, helicopter, bus, car and train, from points up and down China's eastern seaboard; and 2) A niche he can fill with a travel option that matches the helicopter for speed, thrills, and great views, undercuts it on price, and beats it hands down on romance. Waterfront will operate with a leased fleet of DHC-6 Twin Otters -- iconic, 16-passenger, STOL (short takeoff and landing) amphibious planes, manufactured in Canada.

????De Kantzow hopes to launch as early as next year from a spacious marine terminal in China's Shenzhen International Airport. He's starting there instead of nearby Hong Kong because local authorities were willing to move more quickly than their counterparts in Hong Kong -- a function of Shenzhen's desire to boost its tourism and service sectors as growth in manufacturing has slowed.

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